*Chapter 19*

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Brendon's POV

After a while of laying down next to Mia, I had obviously fallen asleep as I was currently being somewhat violently shaken awake.

I looked around, startled at my sudden waking up. Then I wondered who was shaking me in the first place. My mind immediately went to the worst possible scenario, Jaron.

Thank-god I looked up to see Angela staring down at me. She had a worried expression on her face.

"What're you doing here?" I asked in a sleepy state.

"I came around to check on Mia and drop off her school bag, what're YOU doing here?" she asked with a cheeky smile on her face.

"I-um," I suddenly became flustered, the less people that knew about my feelings for Mia, the better. "I offered to take Mia home from school because she wasn't feeling well..." I trailed off.

"So you decided to sleep with her?" Angie said with an amused expression, raising an eyebrow and folding her arms across her chest.

"No-I-she" she cut me off again.

"It's ok, she's quite clingy, especially when she's ill."

"Oh, ok" Mia wanting me to stay with her now felt like a more common action, choosing me just out of convenience.

It was then that we heard the front door open and close. Angela rushed to the window where she only saw two cars, mine and hers, indicating that it wasn't one of Mia's parents home, but was Jaron.

"Shit!" I whispered frantically.

"Quickly, you go into the bathroom and I'll stay with Mia." Angie instructed.

I ran as fast and as quietly as I have ever done, rushing into the bathroom, closing, and locking the door.

I heard mumbling coming from outside the bathroom. To make it seem less like I was hiding and actually using the bathroom, I flushed the toilet, ran the tap and headed out into the hallway slowly.

"Brendon," Jaron greeted me, "I saw your car, why did you hang around?"


"I-um-well" I stumbled over my own words. Before I could say anything completely stupid, Mia began stirring from behind us. All attention was then diverted to her, and thank-god for that as if it wasn't, I have no idea what I could have made up.

Mia's POV

As I slowly woke, I heard a series of mumbled voices coming from beside my bed. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal Angie, Jaron and Brendon, standing next to my bed, having a quiet conversation.

Jaron looked tired, Angie looked strangely happy and Brendon looked flustered as hell.

"Mia, how are you feeling?" Jaron asked as he placed the back of his hand to my forehead.

This only reminded me of the possible kiss that Brendon placed to my head earlier today.

"I um-" I was cut off from speaking by coughing violently before running towards the bathroom.

I made my way to the toilet bowl, ejecting the minimal contents of my stomach into it.

"Oh Mia" Jaron said sympathetically. "Is there anything I can do?"

I just shook my head lightly.

"I'll take it from here, you guys just continue doing what you usually do." Angie suggested.

"Ok well if there is anything that you need, just yell ok?" Jaron asked.

"Will do" Angela smiled lightly.

Jaron began to exit the bathroom, taking Brendon with him.

Angela grabbed a hair tie from the bathroom counter and tied my hair back.

"Thanks Angie" I mumbled out.

"Anything for you" she responded, "and just so you know, when you're up to it, you have a bit of explaining to do."

I chuckled lightly, immediately regretting it when another wave of sickness came over me.

I held myself together as Angie lead me back to my bedroom.

She lay down next to me, keeping me company while I drifted in and out of a sleep-like state.

After about an hour, there was a soft knock at the door.

Angie got up to check it. It was Brendon.

"How's she doing?" I heard him ask through the partly open door.

"She's ok" she responded.

"Ok well I was just on my way out and wanted to check on her." He explained.

The thought of Brendon leaving was saddening.

"I was just going to grab some snacks; do you think you could wait with her for a few minutes?" Angie asked with a subtle hint of suggestion.

"Sure" Brendon responded softly, before making his way further into the bedroom.

He sat down on my bed, causing it to dip slightly.

"Hey Mia" he said, moving a stray piece of hair out of my face.

I moved into more of a sitting up position, leaning my back against the headboard of the bed.

"Thanks for everything today Brendon, I really appreciate it." I said slowly and quietly.

"It's not problem, really." Brendon reached over and grabbed my hand lightly, giving it a slight squeeze.

Even with my normally functioning brain, I would struggle to put to words what I was feeling in that moment.

I squeezed his hand back with the little strength that I could muster.

"I need to head home now." He continued, still holding onto my hand.

I pouted which caused him to chuckle. Suddenly, his face was coming closer towards my own and I felt his soft lips on my cheek.

As quickly as the interaction had been initiated, it was over. We continued holding hands until we were interrupted by Angie clearing her throat in the doorway.

Brendon quickly released his hand from mine and made his way to the door where Angie was standing.

That's when I saw it, Brendon was blushing. I had never seen Brendon blush. I was always the one turning a shade of crimson but this time I wasn't alone.

Angie chuckled lightly at his colouring before letting him pass and make his way out of the house. She moved closer towards my bed, but before she could comment I told her;

"Shut up" and punched her arm softly. She just laughed and continued laying with me.

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now