*Chapter 21*

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Mia's POV

I woke to the sound of vomiting coming from across the hall. I glanced at my clock, the time read 4:27 am, slightly earlier than I regularly get up.

Even though I was pretty sure I knew who was throwing up it the bathroom, I still wanted to be sure, so I carefully removed myself from next to Angie and climbed out of my bed.

I tip toed towards my bedroom door, opening and closing it quietly, and headed into the bathroom.

Just as I had suspected, Brendon was hunched over the toilet bowl, emptying the contents of last nights party.

Before I could say anything, he was back at it again, coughing and spluttering. I decided to get him a glass of water and some headache tablets, as I was sure that he had one.

Brendon turned towards me slowly as he heard me turn on the sink.

"Mia?" he asked tiredly, "I didn't wake you, did I?"

"It's ok" I said as I handed him the glass of water and tablets.

"Thanks" he replied, quickly downing the tablets and the water.

"It seems we've swapped positions." I stated, this caused Brendon to chuckle and as a result, commenced another round of violent upchucking.

"Aww Brendon." I said, kneeling so I was positioned just to the side of him, rubbing his back as he lent over the bowl.

"Oh fuck" he said defeated, sitting back once he had finished and rubbed his head.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked, it paining me to see him in such horrible condition.

"Stay?" he asked with a shy smile on his face.

"Of course" I responded, returning his smile.

We each re-positioned ourselves so we were leaning against the wall next to the toilet.

"Thanks" he said as he softly grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to his side.

I didn't say anything, just rested my head on his shoulder and eventually drifted off to sleep once more.


"Mia, Mia!" I heard Angie frantically whispering beside me.

"What?" I mumbled, still curled up next to Brendon.

"Jaron's going to be up soon! I don't think he would be overly impressed to find you asleep on the bathroom floor with Brendon."

"What!" I sat up abruptly. I had forgotten about this-mornings activities. Luckily my sudden movement didn't wake Brendon.

"Come on!" Angie said, leading me back into the bedroom.

No more than 2 minutes after we arrived back in my room, we heard Jaron laughing from the bathroom.

"What the hell dude!" Jaron exclaimed while laughing.

"What's going on?" I asked, feigning ignorance to the situation.

"Mr Party Animal here has fallen asleep in the bathroom" Jaron explained, still laughing at Brendon.

Not surprisingly this had woken him up.

"What's so funny?" he said, placing a hand on his forehead.

"You're asleep in my bathroom! That's what's funny" Jaron explained.

"Yeah but Mia-" Brendon stopped after realising what he'd said.

I swear all the colour had drained out of my face. I had no idea how he was going to redeem himself from this point.

"Mia what?" Jaron asked, growing cautious.

"I-I gave him headache tablets, he was in here at the time, I didn't realise he had fallen asleep in here though" I tried to reply as convincingly as I can.

"Well aren't you nice Mia" Jaron replied, a smile re-forming on my face. "You better shove off though, I need to do my morning business."

"Gross" I said, turning, and walking back towards my room with Angie.

When the door closed, she faced me and said;

"Are you going to tell me why you were sleeping in the bathroom with Brendon?"

"What can I say," I replied, shrugging my shoulders, "I guess I really like sleeping with him."

We both broke out into laughter, composed ourselves and then headed downstairs for breakfast.

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