*Chapter 7*

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Mia's POV

I woke up to the vibration of my phone on my bedside table. I rolled over, grabbed the buzzing phone and silenced it. The clock read 6:30. I lay on my back, facing the ceiling, just thinking about the day ahead.

Although it was not the first day of school for most students, it was my first day. I was returning to the same school I attended two years ago. I would be among the same classmates as before, people that I liked and people that I didn't.

I slowly sat up and draped my legs over the side of my bed. I swung them back a forth a little whilst I stretched. I hadn't realised how much I'd grown until I stubbed my toes several times on the ground. Two years ago that wouldn't have happened.

I carefully stood up, being aware that I am not the most co-ordinated when I first wake, and headed towards the bathroom. Not to my surprise, my brother was still asleep, evident by the soft snores coming from his bedroom.

I went into the bathroom where I quickly showered before returning to my bedroom to change. This part of my morning routine had never been more important. When I left my school, my style was much more 'innocent'. This isn't to say that I am no longer innocent just my dress sense has changed somewhat noticeably.

I walked over to my drawers and pulled out a black lacey bra and some pink and green spotty underpants. Next I approached my closet where I selected a plain black skater dress, a denim jacket and some knee high grey socks.

My choice of attire may not seem very shocking but it doesn't quite fit with my personality, or so I've been told. I changed into my outfit before working on my facial appearance. I wasn't a huge makeup wearer so I just applied a little concealer to my under eyes, coated my lashes with mascara and dragged my favourite lip balm across my lips.

After I inspected myself in the mirror, I picked up my bag, already filled with my school necessities and headed downstairs.

It was now 7:10. I walked to the refrigerator where I poured myself a glass of orange juice and a bowl of cereal. I walked into the lounge where the news had been left on low by my parents who had left earlier.

By the time breakfast was done, it was 7:35 and I had 15 minutes to kill before Angie would be here to pick me up. I spent 10 minutes of that time scrolling aimlessly through my phone and the last 5 brushing my teeth and putting on my shoes.

As I was walking back down the stairs, I heard a car honk from outside. I quickened my pace, grabbed my key from the hook and headed out the door. The first thing I saw when I got outside was my friend sitting in a slightly beat up looking car.

I had never actually seen her car as she only got it and her licence a few months ago. I approached it excitedly but before I could get in, Angie turned it off and jumped out of the drivers side door. She ran over to me and enveloped me in the biggest hug imaginable.

"I can't believe you're here!" Angie said through sobs.

"I can't believe I haven't hugged you in two years!" I replied, beginning to tear up a bit.

We just stood there, in each others friendly embrace for a good few minutes until we were broken apart by a familiar voice.

"Aww girl hug!! Can I join?" Brendon asked as he stepped out of his own car, his signature smirk plastered across his face.

"In your dreams" I responded before rolling my eyes and jumping into Angie's car. Brendon's car was very similar to Angie's, maybe just a little more dinted but it somehow reflected his personality.

I buckled up my seat belt and waited for Angie to re-enter the car.

"When did Brendon get hot?" she asked as she closed her door and did up her own seat belt. I have a feeling he heard her comment as he half turned his face to reveal another smirk. I rolled down my window a little before responding.

"Did he? I hadn't noticed", loud enough that Brendon could hear. When his smirk slowly fell off his face I could tell he heard my remark and couldn't help but feel a bit guilty?

Once we drove down the street a bit, Angie resumed the conversation.

"Oh come on! There is no way that you don't think he's hot!" she glanced over to me, attempting to gage my response.

"Of course I think he's hot! He's drop dead gorgeous but I don't want him knowing that!" I replied with a shy smile.

"Oh thank god, I thought in the two years you were gone that your taste in guys had malfunctioned!"

I laughed in response and continued with general conversation with Angie until we pulled into the school car park. Angie turned off the car where I sat for a minute, took and deep breath and prepared myself for the day ahead.

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