*Chapter 64*

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Mia's POV

I still couldn't believe that I not only met, but became sort of friends and was on stage with Fall Out Boy, and it was all thanks to Brendon. Maths was cancelled today so that left Brendon and I sitting up the back of the library, working through some Maths homework.

"It's your birthday tomorrow," he said with a smile.

"That's correct," I said with a chuckle.

"I've got something planned for us tonight,"

"Brendon," I sighed, "you do too much for me!! I can never repay you!"

"You don't need to, I just want to spoil my girl," he said, placing a hand on top of mine.

"Are you staying over tonight?" I asked with a wink.

"Of course," he replied with a smirk.

"No funny business though, Jaron will be home,"

"Aren't your parents going to be there too?"

"Unfortunately, not. They went away for a business meeting and were due back this afternoon but their flight has been delayed until tomorrow night," I said with a sigh.

"At least you'll still get to see them on your birthday," he said with a smile.

"Yeah I know,"

"Well if we can't do anything tonight..." Brendon trailed of, wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes before standing up from the table and leading Brendon into what I've deemed 'our classroom', leaving our stuff at the table and closing the door.

Katrina's POV

I've been following that bitch Mia and Brendon for what seems like forever, trying to gather some evidence to out them. I was about to lose hope when I followed them into the library when Maths was cancelled.

I watched them from between the bookshelves, and even though to begin with they were only doing Maths work, eventually they got up and headed into the classroom.

I saw this as the perfect opportunity to snoop through their stuff. On the table was both Brendon and Mia's pencils, maths books and phones.

I grabbed Mia's phone, only becoming disappointed when there was a passcode on it.

I then grabbed Brendon's phone, which opened without a code. What an idiot. I quickly began scrolling through his messages, looking for exchanges between him and Mia but had no luck.

I looked at his top contact which happened to be 'Sarah'. Sarah, why does that sound familiar. That's right, Jaron said something about Sarah. I clicked on the thread, revealing exactly the material I was looking for.

Although neither of them mentioned each other by name, there was a plethora of photos, some of which were undeniably Mia.

I smirked, sending the photos to my own phone before deleting the thread and returning the phone to its original place, and just in time, as the door-knob twisted, revealing Mia and Brendon giggling away at themselves.

I rolled my eyes before walking away from the table and out of the library, clutching my phone in my hand and smirking. Shit was going to go down.

Brendon's POV

Mia's birthday was tomorrow so I wanted to do something special for her. She was scheduled to spend her birthday day with her family, so I thought I would make use of the night before.

I had planned to take her out to dinner at a moderately fancy place before going back to hers and spending the night. I know it was a risky move, spending the night at Mia's but it's not like we hadn't done it before.

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