*Chapter 56*

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A/N - Hey guys! So as you may notice, I have two updates for tonight! So, this one is just regular Chapter 56 whereas the second is Chapter 56: Extended Edition. This extended version basically contains more detailed smut, and seeing as not everyone is a fan, I condensed it in the regular chapter. Hope this makes sense and you enjoy the chapter of your choosing :)


Brendon's POV

"I just wanted to fuck her you know?"

He looked shocked, before grinning.

"Who's that Brendon?"

I paused for a minute, before saying her name and giggling. Jaron did not look amused though.

"Come on man!" Jaron exclaimed, "You can't say you want to fuck someone and give such a generic name!"

"What? You're not mad?" I asked, very confused.

"How could I be mad at you wanting to fuck a girl named Sarah? I'm 'mad' because there are at least 20 Sarah's at our school alone so you're making it almost impossible to figure out who it is!" he explained, chuckling at the end.

Thank the holy fucking lord that even in my drunken state, I was smart enough to say Sarah and not Mia.

I sighed a huge sigh of relief before Jaron walked off, shaking his head. I was about to follow him when a particular person made yet another appearance.

"What happened to your slutty skeleton friend?" she slurred at me, an angry look scrawled across her face.

I rolled my eyes at her, attempting to move away from her but apparently, that wasn't in her agenda.

"How did you think that would make me feel Brendon? I thought we had something special," she said pouting but still angry. She grabbed onto my arm, preventing me from making my escape.

"Look Katrina, there was never anything for us to have. In case you haven't noticed, I am a naturally flirtatious person, so don't take any of my previous advancements to heart ok?" I was surprised at how articulate I could be when having had so much to drink. And because of the cocky son of a bitch that I am, I couldn't leave it at just that.

"Oh and just for the record, if I wanted to sleep with you, I would have done it by now."

From that point onwards I can't exactly remember what happened, all I know is that I fell asleep somewhere and that I was cold but not lonely, cuddling someone whilst I slept.

Mia's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and a stinging eye. I sat up slowly, holding my head when the movement only exaggerated the pain.

After sitting with my head in my hands for a good 5 minutes, I managed to swing my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I almost fell back onto the bed, requiring me to place a hand behind me to steady myself.

Once regaining the ability to stand, I located my phone and checked the time. 1:27?! I really need to stop sleeping in!

It was at this point that I realised that Angie was asleep beside me, thus I wondered how she ended up in my bed without me noticing.

I shrugged the thought away, considering it didn't really matter how she got there, grabbed a towel, and headed into the bathroom.

I thought having a shower could possibly make me feel better, more refreshed. I opened and closed the bathroom door before proceeding to remove the remnants of clothing that laced my body. This was the first time that I got a good look at my eye. It was swollen and tinged slightly purple. Fantastic.

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon