*Chapter 60*

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Brendon's POV

I woke up with Mia curled up in my arms. Her peacefulness caused me to smile as I observed her sleeping figure.

I lay there silently for a while, just resting as I didn't want to wake her up. Eventually the urge to pee, which I'm assuming is what woke me up in the first place, became unbearable, so I carefully removed my arms from around her and crawled out the bed.

I headed to the door, turning back to make sure Mia was still asleep when I exited the room and headed to the bathroom.

I entered the room and did my business, but only as I was leaving the bathroom that I realised I wasn't in my own house, I was in Mia's.

I didn't have time to react properly as Jaron exited his room and moved towards the bathroom.

"Oh hey Brendon," he said as he passed me and entered into the bathroom.

'That was weird' I thought to myself as I made my way back into Mia's room. She still hadn't woken so I decided to get back into bed and try and get some more rest.

About an hour later, I was woken again, this time by Mia softly shaking me awake.

"Hey B," she said, looking down at me smiling. It still amazed me how someone could look so beautiful all the time.

"Hey beautiful," I said in a croaky morning voice, moving a piece of hair that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear. She blushed at my comment, biting her lip slightly.

"You know what today is right?" she said softly, trailing her hand up and down my arm.

"Um, should I?" I asked with a chuckle.

Mia giggled, "It's only our 1 year anniversary,"

"Wow, that year went by quickly!" I said, not remembering that it was our anniversary at all.

"Yes it did," she giggled before planting a kiss on my lips.

There was then a knock at the door before it opened to reveal Jaron. I flinched at the sight of him, pushing Mia off me.

"Don't worry dude, I've seen you do much worse!" he said as he walked into the room.

"What's up?" Mia asked, sitting cross-legged beside me.

"I was going to get take-away for breakfast and wondered if you wanted any," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes please!" Mia said eagerly.

"The usual?" he asked.

Mia nodded her head, and so did I, although I wasn't quite sure what the regular was.

"Sweet, I'll be back soon!" he said, exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

"Take-away for breakfast?" I asked, turning to Mia.

"It's not like we have it every day!" she said, getting up from the bed and extending her hand towards me, "Come on, it's time to shower,"

"Alright have fun,"

She rolled her eyes before tugging me up from the bed with more strength than I knew she had.

"We always shower together B!" she giggled before leading me across the hall and into the bathroom.


After showering, Mia and I exited the bathroom, now dressed, and headed downstairs to wait for breakfast.

We sat at the breakfast bar, just chatting, as Jaron re-entered the house with our food.

"It seems you've showered," he said looking at me, then he looked towards Brendon, "Both of you," he said before shuddering, "I'd rather not think about that,"

Mia rolled her eyes, digging in to the bag to retrieve her and my food.

"Thanks," I said with a smile as she placed only what I could assume was my 'regular' in front of me.

We ate out meals, enjoying friendly conversation.

"Isn't your one year anniversary coming up?" Jaron asked with his mouth half-full of food.

Mia smiled to herself, "Actually, it's today."

"Really? Wow, time flies by, doesn't it?" he said, taking another mouthful of food.

"You can say that again," I said quietly to myself.

We finished our meals and Mia and I headed back up to her room.

"I got you a little present," Mia said, sitting me down on her bed.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"You just need to promise to close your eyes ok?" she asked me.

"Why?" I said with a smirk.

"It's a surprise," she said rolling her eyes at me and chucking a blanket over my head.

I could hear some shuffling around and what sounded like the removal of clothes?

"Alright, you can open your eyes," she said with a giggle.

I opened my eyes cautiously to revel Mia standing in front of me in lingerie.

"W-wow," I stuttered, taking in the sight I saw before me.

"You like?" she said, giving me a little twirl.

"What's not to like?" I stuttered, still in awe over her ensemble.

She began moving towards me, pushing me back on the bed before straddling my hips.

Just then Jaron opened the door,

"Really? Already?" he asked, looking at our current position.

Mia sighed before straightening up, but not removing herself from my hips.

"What do you want?" she asked impatiently, "If you can't tell I'm kind of busy here,"

"I was actually wondering if I could speak to Brendon," he admitted.

"He's kind of busy too," she said with a smirk.

"Actually, I'm sure I coul-FUCK" I exclaimed as Mia bounced on my hips.

Jaron awkwardly left the room, being sure to close the door behind him.

Mia began to start kissing my jaw when she pulled back abruptly and rushed out of the room. Once I processed what happened, I headed out of the room to follow Mia. She was in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet.

"Oh Mia," I said, bending down and rubbing her back. She then broke down into tears.

"Hey, hey," I tried to comfort her, "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm pregnant B," she said between sniffles. My whole world stopped. This couldn't be happening, could it?

The Jaron burst into the bathroom, "Look Brendon I really need to tell you something, I'm pregnant, and you're the father."

WHAT? Then my phone started to ring, I grabbed it out of my pants pocket to read the display with 'Katrina' scrawled across it. I answered the phone.

"Brendon thank god! I have to tell you something, I'm pregnant, and you're the father," she said in a rushed voice.

WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON?! I began sweating, feeling a panic attack surging through my body.

"Brendon, Brendon!" someone called to me before I was shaken awake.

"B are you ok?" Mia asked, sitting up beside me with a worried expression. I looked around to see that I was in my house.

"What day is it?" I asked breathlessly.

"Saturday, the day after our double date with Angie and Noah? What's going on?" she asked, her worry rising.

"Oh thank-god!" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, "I just had the most fucked up dream."

A/N - Look I don't really know what this chapter was but it was sure fun to write! Normal one tomorrow I promise!


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