*Chapter 68*

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Brendon's POV

As you can imagine, after my interaction with Katrina, I was in no mindset to study. I kept wracking my brain trying to think of a way out of this mess, but the rational part of me knew the answer already. I was going to have to break Mia's heart.

With a deep sigh, I packed up my study materials and headed home, texting Mia on the way.

Hope your appointment went well. Come over to mine after? x – B

By the time I reached my house, Mia had replied.

Sure thing. Be there in 20 x – M

Seeing as I was having to make the most horrible decision of my life in less than 24 hours, I thought I would make the most of these final 'perfect' hours with Mia.

As she said, 20 minutes later Mia was letting herself into my house, dropping her bag by the door and flopping down onto the couch next to me.

"How're your teeth?" I asked, pulling her into a hug.

"A bit sore but clean and healthy nonetheless," she said looking up at me, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Hungry?" I asked her, which she replied with a nod. We decided to order pizza, as neither of us could be bothered cooking, and whilst waiting for it to arrive, we selected a movie.

"Pizza and a movie, how original!" Mia said with a chuckle, her o-so-sweet chuckle that I was going to miss dearly. I could feel my expression dropping, I just only hoped it wasn't externally obvious.

"You ok B?" she asked. Clearly it was noticeable.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied through a forced smile. She stared at me for a minute, not fully convinced by my answer before the doorbell rang and she got up to answer it.

"Food!" she sung out from the front hallway, causing me to laugh. It's those little things, her little mannerisms that I think I will miss the most. Once again, my mood had dropped.

"Are you sure you're alright B?' Mia asked again after finishing her food.

"Mia I promise, I feel fine," I said placing a hand on hers.

She looked up at me, smiling lightly before jumping up to change the movie.

"Close your eyes," she said with a cheeky smile.

"Why?" I asked with a smirk.

"I want the movie to be a surprise!" she said before chucking a pillow in front of my face.

I rolled my eyes but complied anyway. After a few remote clicks, Mia told me the movie was loading and that I only had to wait a few more minutes. Eventually the movie had loaded and I was instructed to open my eyes.

I was unsure at first, due to the predominantly blank TV screen, but as soon as the first frame appeared, I instantly recognised the movie.

"Remember this one?" Mia asked me whilst snuggling into my chest.

"Of course," I said with a genuine smile.

Mia had chosen Aladdin. This was one of the first real one on one interactions I had had with Mia, and I remember it like it was yesterday. I had woken in the middle of the night, as had she, and I scared the living daylights out of her. We then went back to her room and I chose Aladdin as the movie to watch. She fell asleep whilst we were watching and I think that's when I first felt a spark.

The movie played through and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic and incredibly sad when it had finished. I was so lost in my own thought that I hadn't realised Mia had fallen asleep in my lap.

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz