*Chapter 37*

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Brendon's POV

After Mia and Angie walked off to collect their beverages, I ended up talking to a few of my classmates. Some of them decided to go out for a smoke so I followed them to the back yard.

Once we were out there, I was approached by Katrina again. She joined in on the groups conversation, occasionally glancing in my direction, before asking to speak with me alone.

I agreed, and followed her to the side of the house where she continued to flirt with me. She was obviously intoxicated as her words slurred and she swayed from side to side slightly too often.

Before I had time to comprehend anything, she launched her lips on to my own and continued sucking on my face.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I asked her, pushing her off me.

"What you wanted," she slurred, attempting to resume kissing me.

"No?" I questioned, "I didn't and don't want to kiss you. I like somebody else."

"Good luck with that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned once more.

Before I could get an answer, Katrina had begun throwing up at her feet. I took that as my queue to leave and re-entered the house.

The noise level rose considerably stepping into the house as I began looking around for Mia. After a few minutes of searching, I was approached by an angry looking Angela.

"Hey, where is Mia?" I asked her.

She continued walking over to me when she slapped my right across the cheek.

"What the fuck was that for?" I yelled, rubbing my cheek.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" she yelled in return, balling her hands into fists.

"What are you on about?"

"Telling Mia to come and meet you when you were just going to suck someone else's face in front of her."

"What?" I asked, now even more confused than I was before.

"Don't play dumb, you asshole! Mia saw you making out with Katrina, and to say she was upset is an understatement."

"I wasn't making out with Katrina! She kissed me! I pushed her away as soon as she did."

"Right" Angle said, rolling her eyes, obviously not believing me.

"I didn't I swear!"

"Well then how do you explain the text?"

"What text? I didn't send any text."

I grabbed out and unlocked my phone, revealing a message sent to Mia from my phone, about 20 minutes ago.

"I didn't send this!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Well then who did?"

I thought back to about 20 minutes ago. I was outside talking to a group of friends, and Katrina was there.

"It was Katrina. (regional_at_bob called it!) It must have been! She could have easily grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Mia."

"Why would she do such a thing?"

"Because I like Mia and not her. Hold on, she said something, before throwing up, something about 'good luck with that'. Could she have been referring to this?"

"I wouldn't put it past that bitch. She's had it out for Mia ever since they stopped becoming friends. She's jealous of her intelligence and-"

"And how beautiful and amazing and overall a wonderful person she is" I finished. "I need to talk to her, explain what happened."

I started to head off around the house in search of Mia.

"Uh-well, about that" Angela coughed awkwardly.

"Where is she Angie?" I asked, becoming worried.

"She was quite upset when she saw you with Katrina so she stormed off to the alcohol and now, well, I think you should see for yourself."

Katrina began to lead me to the kitchen, where I saw Mia, drunk off her face, doing body shots off some guy from our Maths class.

To say it made me incredibly jealous to see her licking the tequila and salt of his chiselled abs would be the understatement of the century.

"How much has she had to drink?!" I asked Angela, still shocked at the version of Mia I saw before me.

"She downed two beers within about 5 minutes and basically hasn't stopped with the shots since." Angie admitted, also looking slightly worried for the well-being of her friend.

Mia then stopped licking the salt from the guys stomach and made her way to the lime, that just so happened to be in his mouth.

That was the last straw.

"We need to get her out of here," I hastily said to Angela, heading in Mia's general direction.

She had begun sloppily making out with the body shots guy, making me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I pulled her lightly by the shoulders, attempting to cease her make-out session.

"Mia, I think it's time we go home," I said, leaning close to her ear so that she could hear me.

She turned away from the guy and looked up at me. I would have expected her to slap me like Angela, but instead she just started giggling.

"B!" she slurred, removing herself from body shots guy, stumbling when she landed her feet on the floor. I managed to catch her before she landed on the ground.

"Come on, I'm taking you home,"

"But I don't wanna!"

She attempted to get out of my grip but couldn't gather the strength.

"Let's get you home," we walked over towards Angela who seemed to still be absorbing the current situation. "Have you had much to drink?"

"Just the one. Why?" she asked, puzzled by the nature of my question.

"You can drive us to Mia's. I'll stay in the back with her."


We began to exit Katrina's house. I soon realised that Mia was incredibly hard to support, so I decided to pick her up and carry her bridal style.

"Weeeee!" she slurred as I carried her in my arms. I would laugh if I wasn't so worried about her right now.

"How far away did you park?" Angie asked from a few metres in front.

"Just down the next street."

When we made it to the car, Angie unlocked it and opened the back door for me to put Mia in. She had been rather speechless during the whole ordeal, mostly giggling and making drunken noises.

I positioned her in the back seat, buckling her up before sliding in next to her. As soon as I sat down, Mia flopped over onto my lap, still giggling away at herself.

"Ready to go?" (lol unintentional aha) Angie asked, jumping into the drivers seat.

I nodded, looking at Angie in the mirror while stroking Mia's hair.

We made it back to Mia's house in less than 5 minutes, parking a few houses back as to not wake anyone at this hour.

I lifted Mia's head from my lap, readying her for removal from the car.

"Awww but I was comfable" she slurred, pulling a sad face.

"We need to get you inside" I said softly, "but first you need to be really quiet. Can you do that for me?"

She nodded and I helped her out of the car. We made in successfully into the house and upstairs into Mia's bedroom.

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant