*Chapter 42*

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A/N - Sorry for all the authors notes but I just wanted to let you know that this is my last drafted chapter as of right now. It doesn't mean the story is ending but it requires me to write and publish a chapter for tomorrow, which I will try extremely hard to do for you guys, but I do have a lot of Uni work at the moment so if there isn't an update (again, I will do my upmost to give you one), that's the reason behind it. Happy reading!


Mia's POV

Brendon began to lead me into the kitchen, and to say that I was nervous was oh so true.

We walked in, hand in hand and my mother's face lit up like a Christmas tree. That was a relief I guess.

"Hello darling, how are you feeling? Auntie Christine and Uncle Grant as well as Faith and Tyler give their regards." She said, kneading some type of dough.

"I'm well thanks," I said before looking down at my feet, "So Brendon tells me that you um know about uh us?"

"Brendon merely confirmed my suspicions," she said with a smirk.

"Why didn't you say anything to me?"

"I wanted you to talk to me about it."

I suddenly felt guilty. I'm usually so open with my mother and it's almost like a betrayed her.

I let go of Brendon's hand, moving towards and pulling her into a hug,

"I'm sorry Mum, I-I just didn't know how to tell you. I thought you would be disappointed in me."

"Why on earth would I be disappointed in you? You're almost 18, an official adult, it's about time you got yourself a boyfriend!" she joked, "Or girlfriend, or nobody if that's what you want. I value your happiness over everything else."

Brendon stood there smiling at us. Having my mother know was surprisingly a huge weight off my shoulders.

"Now, this dough isn't going to knead itself! Brendon, would you care to join us for dinner?" she asked with a smile.

"I would love to Silvia," Brendon replied, returning an even bigger smile, walking over and wrapping an arm around my lower back.

"Ok, your brother and father will be home in about half an hour, so you're free to do whatever 'activities' you may like until they're home," she said shooting me a wink.

"Oh my God mum don't ever say 'activities' again!" I exclaimed whilst blushing. Brendon only laughed, following me to my room as we exited that awkward conversation.

We made our way into my room, both taking a seat on my bed.

"Mia?" Brendon asked from beside me.

"Yes B?" I replied, looking up at him.

He grabbed my hands before saying;

"I want to make this, us, official so um would you like want to be my girlfriend?" he asked shyly, looking down at our hands.

I was silent, frozen even. I wasn't expecting this. Of course I had fantasized about it but I didn't think Brendon would ever want to put a label on what we had.

"O-or you don't have to," Brendon quickly retracted.

Instead of replying, I removed my hands from Brendon's, got up from my bed, walked over and closed my bedroom door before returning to Brendon and placing my lips on his.

We stayed there, only lips touching for what felt like forever before Brendon wrapped his arms around my waist and mine around his neck.

Our mouths moved in sync with one another, reciprocating each other's movements. We each became hungrier as the kiss deepened, creating even less space between the two of us.

Soon enough, my hands found their way back to Brendon's hair, tugging on it lightly at first, earning some mumbled grunts to escape his lips. Brendon's noises began to turn me on, so I tugged on his hair harder, grabbing larger fistfuls and twisting them, not enough to hurt him, just increasing the volume and clarity of his moans.

Brendon lay me down on my back, hovering over me, not removing his lips from mine once. He tailed his lips down to my neck, to the place which previously held a devilish love bite, the spot that made me go completely weak.

He began kissing the spot lightly, his hot, smooth lips leaving me tingling. I suppressed a moan as he began softly nibbling at the skin. His sucking increased, causing me to moan out his name. I could feel his smirk against my neck, obviously proud of his achievement.

The repeated pressure to that spot, and the burning sensation that was coming from my skin, caused me to moan even louder this time, bucking my hips in the process.

Brendon drew in a sharp breath as my hips bumped into his own. He moved away from my neck, sitting up and pulling me up with him.

"If it wasn't clear, I'd love to be your girlfriend," I said with the biggest smile on my face.

Brendon's face lit up before pulling me into a hug and kissing me on the cheek. We sat there, foreheads touching, just smiling at each other for a few minutes until we heard the front door open and close, signalling that the rest of my family was home.

"We should probably go downstairs," I said, rising from my current position with a frown.

"Yeah," Brendon sighed, "I guess we should." He returned my disappointed look before heading out the door behind me and back down the stairs.

"Mia! Brendon!" My father called, extending his arms for me to embrace him, "How's my little girl?"

"I'm feeling much better, thank-you." I said, smiling up at my Dad.

"I hope she wasn't too much trouble," my father continued, directing this comment to Brendon.

"Oh no, not at all. I'm happy to help," Brendon responded, instinctively going to reach his arm behind my back before realising the setting and refraining.

This earnt a chuckle from my mother and caused my face to turn a light shade of red.

"You're a good man B," Jaron stated, putting emphasis on his remembered nick-name.

"Ha ha," Brendon replied sarcastically, "Call me that again, I dare you."

"BBBBBBBBBBBBB," Jaron drew out before Brendon lunged at him, commencing their wrestling match. Of course they were both laughing throughout, no real harm being intended.

"How did you get that nick-name Brendon?" my mother asked with a smirk.

"Actually, when we," Jaron pointed to Brendon and himself, "were wrestling Mia and Angela, Mia called him that."

"Did she now." My mother responded, directing me a wink, causing my flush to increase in opacity.

Then the timer went off, letting us know that dinner was ready. My mother pulled 2 large home-made pizzas from the oven, carrying them over to the dining table with her oven mitts.

"These look amazing darling," my father complemented her.

"Why thank-you," she replied as he pecked her on the cheek.

Jaron made a belching sound, earning him a slap on the arm before taking his seat at the table and digging in to the pizza.

Brendon took his now designated seat next to me and grabbed a slice. Half-way through our meal and casual conversation, he reached his hand under the table, grabbing mine. I looked discretely at him before continuing conversation as normal.

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