*Chapter 10*

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Mia's POV

The remainder of the day was fairly uneventful and soon enough I was saying goodbye to my friends and heading back to Angie's car.

"So how was your first day really?" Angie asked before unlocking the car.

"It was fine" I replied with a slightly forced smile.

"You know you can tell me how you actually feel Mia. We aren't best friends for nothing!" she replied with a friendly and caring smile.

"Well, honestly, I was really nervous at the beginning of the day but having classes with you helped. My feelings didn't change until you left me for Maths."

"Sorry I'm not smart enough for Senior Maths" Angie replied chuckling.

"I guess I was just caught a bit off guard, first by Brendon then by Katrina."

A huge smile grew across Angie's face. "You didn't tell me about Brendon!" she almost yelled, shaking my shoulders in excitement.

"There's not much to tell!" I responded but couldn't hide the blush which gave me away.


I began filling in Angie with my interactions with Brendon.

"He so totally likes you!" she said excitedly whilst trying to focus on driving.

"Don't be ridiculous!" I responded and covered my face slightly.

"With his staring in Maths and his comment back at your house he's definitely showing the signs!"

"I don't know Angie. Just don't say anything to anyone ok? Especially not Brendon or Jaron."

"Honey I would never, your secret is safe with me." She placed a comforting hand on my arm before pulling me into a hug.

I thanked her for the ride home and got out of her car, slamming the door slightly and headed towards my front door. The door was locked which meant that I was home before Jaron.

I pulled out my house keys and slid the correct key into the door. It turned with little effort and clicked signalling that it was now open. I pushed open the door and placed my keys on the hook.

I then ascended the stairs to my bedroom where I disposed of my bag then traveled back to the kitchen for a snack.

Just as I had finished gathering my snacks and was moving towards the lounge, the front door opened revealing Jaron and his unfairly attractive friend Brendon.

"How did you get home so quick?" Jaron asked as he saw me in the lounge.

"Well seeing as we got to school earlier, we managed to get a better park, which meant we beat the end of school traffic. I'm sure you could do the same if you left a bit earlier." I responded somewhat smugly as I turned to face the two boys.

"Fuck that!" Brendon exclaimed with a small chuckle, earning him a fist bump from Jaron.

I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to my delicious snack and the television in front of me.

It wasn't long before I heard the cupboard being raided and Jaron and Brendon heading upstairs.


I was currently sat at my desk in my bedroom, ploughing away at my homework whilst listening to Fall Out Boy. They were one of my favourite bands. I don't tend to share my musical taste with people as it's personal to me and would be quite shocking to some.

I had my iPod connected to my portable speaker and on a low volume, just as background noise, not to distract me from my work. I continued scribbling away to the sounds of FOB when I heard a voice.

"What'cha doing?" Brendon asked as he stuck his head through my door.

I jumped and paused the music.

"There's such thing as knocking you know!" I responded slightly annoyed.

"But knocking lets people know that you're there".

"Exactly, that's the point!"

Brendon moved further into my room and came and stood beside my desk.

"What are you doing?" he asked as his eyes crossed my desk to my open textbooks.

"Biology. What are you doing in here?" I asked looking up into his big brown eyes.

"Jaron's having a shower and I got bored so I figured I'd hang here until he's done." Brendon replied with a friendly smile as he began to fiddle with things on my desk.

"Oh" is all I could respond. Brendon began to make his was around my bedroom, playing close attention to everything in sight.

"Don't let me distract you." He said as he looked over his shoulder with a smirk.

I blushed and attempted to return to my work. After a few minutes of silence, I noticed Brendon approaching my iPod.

I rushed forwards to grab it but Brendon was quicker.

He smirked looking down at me. "Mind if I take a look?"

"Yes actually!" I replied trying to grab the device from him.

He held the iPod up high and clicked play. Dance Dance began to play from halfway through the song where it had been paused.

"I don't like the silence" Brendon said as he returned my iPod and continued looking around my room. There wasn't an awful lot in here so I don't know what he could continue looking at.

Before I could respond he began humming along to the music. He like/knows Fall Out Boy?

He chuckled before he said, "Do you listen to anything else?"

"What do you mean?" I responded, confused by the nature of his question.

"Yesterday, when you fell asleep you were listening to Fall Out Boy."

"How do you know?"

Brendon softly laughed before joining my gaze.

"Who do you think moved your iPod and put that blanket on you?" He smiled shyly as he began looking at the floor.

"Oh-I didn't realise," I began to flail nervously. "Thanks" I smiled kindly.

"No problem." He responded and returned the smile.

I began to make my way back to my desk and attempted to continue with my homework. My concentration didn't last long as Brendon made his way beside me and continued conversation.

"You know, Biology is my favourite subject." He stated rather closely to my ear.

"Oh really? What part?" I asked, genuinely interested in his answer.

"Anatomy, in particular female anatomy."

I looked to my side to see the biggest smirk imaginable.

"You're unbelievable!" I replied, rolling my eyes.

Brendon laughed and made his was to my door, pausing before leaving and saying, "In bed, I know" before closing the door behind him.

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant