*Chapter 20*

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Mia's POV

I woke up to the sound of the front door slamming closed. I jumped out of the bed, ran to my desk, grabbed my weapon and snuck out into the hallway. I heard someone coming up the stairs so I darted into the bathroom, waiting until I could sneak up on the intruder.

I saw a silhouette from outside the bathroom door and took my chance. I jumped out and prepared for a fight with this stranger.

"What the fuck!" they said, holding their arms in front of their face.

"Brendon!" I yelped. "I thought you were an intruder."

"Were you hitting me with a ruler?" he asked, a smirk returning to his face.

I hid the ruler behind my back, "No...."

He just laughed. "So you're looking better, I suppose sleeping for over 15 hours will do that."

"What!" I said, not even bothering to check the time, "I missed school?!"

"Woah calm down smarty pants, I'm sure you can afford to miss a day of school."

"Don't call me smarty pants" I huffed, folding my arms across my chest. "What're you doing here anyway?"

"I had a free last and was grabbing Jaron's stuff for the party tonight."

I had completely forgotten about the party that I sort of wished I was going to. Of course I didn't want to attend the party to party, just to spend more time with a certain someone....

"Oh, ok." I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"What, you sound disappointed."

"No, I'm just still not 100 percent."

Brendon didn't look particularly convinced but brushed it off and continued heading into Jaron's room to grab his stuff.

"Why're you getting his stuff anyway?" I asked, confused as to why they wouldn't just come back here.

"We're having pres at mine" he answered.

Ah yes, alcohol, something that I have very little experience with. The only time I've had alcohol was in mums cooking and the wine from when we used to attend church.

Brendon went into Jaron's room, retrieved his bag and returned to the hallway.

"Well I should be off." Brendon said.

"I guess I'll see you around" I replied a little sadly.

"Yeah" he offered me a smile before walking down the stairs and out of the house.

Brendon's POV

I know my interaction with Mia may have seemed to be a little cold but I needed to distance myself from her as much as possible, at least for tonight.

At this party, I plan to consume a fair amount of alcohol and I don't want to inadvertently spill the beans to Jaron. Even though I might get away with it because of my intoxicated state, I didn't want to risk it.

I backed out of Mia's driveway and made my way back to the school to collect Jaron.

From there we made our way to my house, which was currently empty, and readied ourselves for the party.

Mia's POV

After contacting my teachers, apologizing for my absence, and collecting the class work to catch up on, I sat at my desk for a good 4 hours just completing everything. I know it might seem incredibly sad spending my Friday night doing homework, but I had nothing better to do.

Once I was all caught up, I went downstairs, made myself some food and watched TV in the lounge until my parents returned home from work.

"Sweetie! How are you feeling?" my mother asked as she pulled me into a hug.

"Much better now thanks. How was work?" I asked.

I continued to catch up with my parents, filling them in with stories from my life, obviously leaving out the ones including Brendon.

At 8 o'clock on the dot, there was a knock at the front door. I walked over to and opened the door to reveal Angie, duffle-bag in hand.

"What's this?" I asked her and my parents.

"We thought we could invite Angela over for a sleepover, just like old times!" my father announced.

I know it may seem like a childish gesture but I couldn't have asked for anything better.

I pulled Angie into a massive hug as we made our way upstairs, setting up her bed for the night.


After watching multiple movies sat on the couch in the lounge room, it was time for my parents to go to bed so we migrated upstairs to my room.

It was about 11:30 and with no intentions of going to bed soon, the dnm's commenced.

"So what was that kiss on the cheek yesterday?" Angie asked as we made ourselves comfortable on my bed.

"Oh my god I completely forgot about that." I admitted to her quietly. Is that why Brendon was acting so weird earlier. Was it because I didn't mention it or he regretted it? Most likely the latter.

"Well Brendon was blushing so clearly he likes you." Angie stated.

"I don't know Ang, I really don't want to get fixated on something that's probably not even true."

"Don't be ridiculous, he wouldn't have done all those things for you yesterday if he didn't care about you."

This type of conversation continued until we heard some noise from downstairs. It wasn't long before the noise got louder, two familiar voices muffling through the walls.

Curiosity got the better of us as we stuck our heads out into the hall. We saw what looked like an almost completely sober Jaron holding up a very drunk Brendon.

"Sorry, did we wake you?" Jaron asked sympathetically.

"No, we weren't asleep yet." I replied, simultaneously amused, and concerned about Brendon's current state.

"It's Mia and her friend Alison" Brendon drunkenly slurred, pointed towards us.

"Yeah, sure it is." Jaron responded, obviously not bothering to correct him.

"How did you get home?" I asked.

"I drove us home" Jaron replied.

"But you don't have your license!" I replied, shocked at the technically illegal thing that my brother had done.

"Well it's not like he could drive" He responded, motioning to Brendon who has quietly giggling to himself.

"I guess so" I finished, still not happy with him breaking the law.

Then Brendon began to speak again.

"Your sister is hot" Brendon slurred once more, putting emphasis on 'hot'.

I tried to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.

"Mhmm" Jaron replied, not taking anything he said in his intoxicated state to heart.

"I wants to give her the kisses" he continued.

"Alrighty, I think it's time for bed now don't you Brenny bear?" Jaron said, attempting to direct Brendon towards his bedroom.

"But I wants to sleeps with hers" he said, pointing towards me.

Jaron just rolled his eyes and dragged him into his room.

Once Angie and I were back in my room with the door closed, she said;

"You know people reveal their true feelings when they're drunk."

"I mean I guess so." I responded.

I fell asleep with the slight hope that maybe, just maybe Brendon could be feeling the same way that I was.

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