*Chapter 16*

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Mia's POV

"YOU WHAT!" Angie exclaimed.

"We slept in the same bed." I attempted to reply calmly. "I feel like we shouldn't be having this conversation while you're driving. Maybe we should wait-"

"NO WAY! You're telling me what happened and you're doing it right now!"

So I did. I explained to Angie how Brendon scared me when I was getting my late night (or early morning?) water, I invited him into my room for a movie and we fell asleep together.

By the time we got to school, Angie seemed to get over the initial shock and proceeded to question me in a calmer manner.

"So what happens now? Did Jaron find out?" she asked as we were heading towards our lockers.

"No, well at least I don't think he did and I don't know what happens now, nothing I suppose, it was just a movie after all."

I admit I was a bit disappointed at the idea of it being 'just a movie' and it meaning nothing more to Brendon as it sure meant a lot more to me.

Angie and I went to our first two classes and then Maths came around. I thought I would be excited to see Brendon but I was quite the opposite, I felt horrible.

Walking towards the classroom I was lightly clutching my stomach, trying not to be sick. I was about to enter the classroom when I became lightheaded, only adding to the sickness I already felt. I decided it was best to go to the nurse's office so I slowly made my way to the front of the school to seek medical attention.

The office clerk Lillian only had to glance at me before aiding me into the Sick Bay. She set me up with a glass of water and a vomit bag before switching off the light and allowing me to rest.

Brendon's POV

I was excited to be going to Maths today and I'm sure you can guess why. After Jaron's threat this morning I know I shouldn't press on my feelings but is it bad to say that it made me like her even more? The idea of disapproval made it seem more fun.

I was arriving late, as per usual, but it shocked me to see that Mia wasn't in class. She could have just been running late but I know Mia, she's never late.

"Late again Mr Urie! You're almost breaking your record." Mr Allen said sarcastically.

Although inside I was worried, I had to keep my usual persona.

"Please let me know when I do sweet." Quiet laughs resonated throughout the classroom as I took my seat and Mr Allen began to teach.

I tried to rid my thoughts of Mia but I just couldn't get the feeling that something was wrong out of my mind. It was about half way through the lesson when someone else noticed Mia's absence.

Mr Allen had posed a question to which no one knew the answer.

"Mia, would you possibly know?" Mr Allen asked to thin air.

"She's not here Mr Allen" I responded. To the average person, it would seem I'm just making fun of the fact that Mr Allen was speaking to no one, but I genuinely wondered where she was.

"Oh, that's odd" he replied.

"Do you have any idea where she would be?" I asked, hoping the concern wasn't showing through my question.

"Who cares?" Katrina called from the front of the class, "she doesn't belong here anyway."

"That's enough Katrina." Mr Allen silenced her from the front of the class, "And to answer you Mr Urie, I don't know where she would be, sorry."

I slumped back in my chair and spent the rest of the lesson thinking of Mia, where she could be, and if she was ok.

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