*Chapter 41*

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A/N - Bit of an earlier update because I have a migraine so will be going to bed soon but of course I needed to get my TIB daily update out! Also, almost 800 reads and over 100 votes!! Thank-you to those who have been regular voters (VillaDelsur,shouraeking,Larrytheotter8 & regional_at_bob) and to the silent readers who come back to my shitty story, it really means a lot :)


Mia's POV

Soon after I planted myself on the floor, Brendon waddled uncomfortably into the bathroom. He eventually knelt beside me, rubbing my back and holding my hair out of my face.

"I don't suppose leaving me hanging like that was sufficient payback for earlier?" Brendon said, chuckling at the end.

"In your dreams," I replied with a light laugh.

After 5 minutes, Brendon aided me up and back to the couch. He draped the blanket across me before asking;

"Did you want a warm drink or something?"

"Yes please," I croaked in response and Brendon headed off to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, Brendon returned with 2 mugs, steaming from the top. He placed them on the coffee table in front of the couch, and sat down next to me.

I saved no time in snuggling up next to him, using him for all the warmth and comfort that I required.

"Someone's clingy," Brendon chuckled before pulling me closer towards him.

We decided to rest and watch something light hearted to pass the time, that thing being 'Friends'. We each drank our hot drinks, which surprisingly made me feel better, but also made me incredibly sleepy. And by the looks of it, it made Brendon sleepy too.

Soon enough, I was being spooned by Brendon, squished up on the couch as we both drifted off to sleep.


Third Person POV

The door knob to the front door of the Moore's jiggled, before turning and opening to reveal Silvia with her arms full of groceries.

She knocked the door closed with her foot, before placing her keys on the entrance way table and heading towards the kitchen to dispose of the shopping bags.

She placed them on the counter, leaving them to follow the sound of muffled voices from the lounge. These voices turned out to be the abandoned TV show as her daughter and Brendon were asleep together on the couch.

A small smile crept across her face, as seeing them sleeping like that, confirmed her already growing suspicions of their feelings towards each other. Her smile grew larger, admiring the sleeping pairs innocence before moving forward to re-adjust their blanket.

She left them to sleep before quietly returning to her shopping. She hummed lowly whilst unpacking the groceries and preparing them for dinner.

Brendon's POV

I woke to a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. At first, I thought Mia must have been making food, but I looked in front of me to realise that she was still asleep.

Shit. Who was home then? I carefully removed myself from behind Mia and then made my way to the source of the smell.

In the kitchen I saw Silvia standing at the bench, chopping miscellaneous vegetables.

"Oh you're up!" she said, looking up at me but not ceasing her chopping, "How are you feeling? The both of you looked pretty tired!"

She was smiling like she knew something I didn't.

"Um I'm good thanks. We were just watching some TV and I guess we both fell asleep," I tried to justify our position.

"Oh really? I thought it would have just been the fact that you have feelings for each other," she replied nonchalantly.

My mouth dropped open.

"H-How did you know?" I asked, completely befuddled.

"Well Brendon, I happen to be quite observant, a characteristic that I have passed onto my daughter but clearly not to my son and which my husband has never possessed."

"So are you saying that they don't know?"

"You could make it so obvious and they would still struggle to pick up on it," she chuckled, "So no, they aren't aware of your...situation."

"Are you mad?" I asked, awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

"Mad? Of course not. You're a wonderful young man and I know that you will treat Mia right, I only hoped she would trust me enough to tell me." She looked slightly hurt by Mia's secretiveness.

"I think she, we, were just worried about what you might think, along with Jaron and your husband."

"Adrian may be shocked at first, after all, it is his little girls first proper relationship, but he cares for you like his own and couldn't ask for anyone better."

I just stood there, shocked by all the kind words being thrown my way. Never have I been made out to be such a great young man, when I thought that Mia was well above my league and much more than I deserved.

I was also a bit thrown by Silvia's use of 'proper relationship'. Mia had asked me before what we were, but I had never given her a proper answer.

"As for Jaron," Silvia continued, "he will take it the hardest. He has always been overprotective of Mia, fighting off any guy that she's ever met since she was 5! I understand why you're refraining from telling him but I suggest you think about it. It would be much better for him to hear it from you and not through the grape vine."

She was right. Things were getting serious between Mia and I, not that there was anything wrong with that, but I needed to start making some decisions, we needed to start making some decisions, because I care for her too much to hurt or lose her, or those around us.

"Thanks Silvia, it means a lot that you think I'm good enough for Mia, because I sure didn't think I was."

"Nonsense! You think so lowly of yourself! I blame that family of yours. That's another thing you may want to mention to-"

"Mia! I think she's waking up, I'll just go check on her." I said frantically, heading back to the lounge and away from that topic of discussion.

I could hear Silvia sigh as I left the room, returning to the lounge and spotting Mia stretching on the couch.

"Good sleep?" I asked with a smile.

"Good until I realised you weren't there anymore. Are you making food?" she asked casually.


Mia shot up, "Who is making food then?" she asked worriedly.

"Your mother. She came home before the others to start dinner," I explained to her, although this didn't put her at any ease.

"D-do you think she knows about us?"

"Yes. I'm sure of it," I replied with a chuckle.

"This isn't funny Brendon!" Mia said, becoming annoyed.

"I think you should talk to her," I instructed, taking her hand and leading her towards the kitchen.

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