Confessions - Ein x Reader (PDH)

Start from the beginning

I died.

Right there under my warm covers, I died.

Ein, a guy I fantasize over, who barely knows me, wants to do homework together.

I quickly raced out of bed and sent Ein a picture of the worksheet. After that, I raced to the nearest mirror and fixed up my appearance.

Thank you! I've got it copied down. Just call me whenever you're ready. :)

Honestly, I was really excited and giddy. But still, I was confused. Out of all the other 30 kids in that class, why me? We only talked a little, and he barely knew anything about me.

Ein got my phone number from a project we did last year, which is when I started liking him. But all of that phased me now because I was about to have a real conversation.

As I quickly replied to his last message, I overlooked myself once more in the mirror, then seated myself at my desk. I propped my phone up onto a book and pressed the call button. Ein immediately picked up.

"Hey (Y/N)!" he said waving a little.

"H-hey!" I said a stuttering a bit, his messy black and blue hair, and killer smile was getting to me.

After talking a small bit, we got to our homework. Once we finished that, we talked for the rest of the night.

"Oh, dang! It's 3AM. I have to be up in 4 hours, I should probably go," Ein said a little disappointed.

"Ugh, same here," I said sadly, "we should do this again sometime!"

"Definetly!" Ein said happily, shining a big smile which made my heart flutter with excitement.

"Maybe we could... meet up after school tomorrow? And maybe see a movie and go out to eat..?" Ein said randomly, looking away from his phone as a blush creeped onto hs face,

"I-I would love too!" I quickly replied.

"Talk to you in chemistry! Gotta go! Ein said quickly facing the camera, his face blushing a deep red and hanging up.

I sat there stunned for a moment.

Was that a dream?


"Wanna go-"

"IvegotplanswithEin." I quickly said cutting Katelyn off.


"SHHH!" I whisper yelled, cutting her off again, "I don't want people knowing! Not many people like him," I said trailing off.

"Ah. Makes sense," Katelyn replied, "tell me how it goes! I've got a volleyball meeting tonight so I can't walk home with you today," she said walking off.


As soon as I got home, I rushed into my room to get ready. Ein was going to come pick me up in 3 hours; and it was 3:00PM.  So I started getting ready.

  As I quickly fixed up any last mishaps on my face, headlights shone into my kitchen windows. Good thing nobody was home but me.

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