Part Twenty Six

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That was when I had enough, this was unbearable to watch as she just swooned over this man who killed people, tried to take over my body, tried to kill innocent vault hunters, and just steal people's lovers. I pushed myself off of the wall and made my way over to where they were sitting, I felt a quick hand on my shoulder before I was turned around.

"I'm going over there now, I need to before I claw my eyes out." I growled, pushing Fiona's hand off of me.

"Rhys, if you don't calm down then there's a chance of a fight," she looked at me, trying to get me to listen, "if you try to fight him that close then you will die and that will be it."

"I wish I could've brought my gun... everything would be fine." I clenched my hand into a fist.

"No, it wouldn't have been, look at her. She pointed in their direction.

Jack was knelt at her side, rubbing her back slowly and kissing her cheek softly. It only made me more frustrated and made me want to confront them, I turned back to Fiona.

"All I see is someone who stole Baby."

"He's done something to her, he must have removed part of her brain or something." She peered over my shoulder.

"She's under some spell." Vaughn spoke, looking at her intently.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Her head looks fine, so her brain wasn't screwed with, she seems just as fine as she was when we first found her."

"Hypnosis?" Fiona asked.

"No... no that can't be it, it doesn't work too well on Pandora for some reason."

"Well then what?" I asked.

"A spell... as I said before."

"Jack doesn't seem like the magic kind of person."

"Well how else was he going to take her away from you as easily as he did?"

"He has a point." Fiona stated.

"How are we gunna break this spell?" I asked.

"We'll just have to play his game, see if our cards are right." Vaughn replied, scratching the bottom of his chin.

"Then lets go." I continued to walk towards the two.

They were having a deep conversation, at least from what I could see as her eyes seemed to be glossed over as Jack was nodding and shaking his head quite a lot. I stoped and watched as he grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles very slowly and staring at her intently.


"Some people will say some bad things about me, but I want to let you know that I am not that man anymore." Jack spoke in a hushed tone, still by my side.

"I believe you Jack." A smile forming.

"I'm so lucky that I have someone like you," he gently pulled me off of the chair, "let's go talk now that we have everything sorted out."

He pulled me along to the familiar stranger from earlier and his two friends, the other two seemed worried and surprised as we walked over, the bigger one with his back turned towards us. It wasn't soon before one of them spun him around to face us as we were only a few feet away, I held Jacks hand a little tighter.

"I hope you are all enjoying yourselves," Jack spoke before nodding his head towards the stranger, "how's it been Rhysie?"

I felt a sudden shock of pain shoot through my head, pushing me away from the group almost instantly. I pressed my hand against my head and groaned as this pain grew, I saw a bright smile surrounded by light fill my thoughts, the words 'I love you' synced silently to the pair of lips. Jack pulled me into his arms and held me there, the other three looking at me curiously as I was coming back from my deep and dangerous thoughts.

"Baby?" Jack squeezed my shoulder, "is it happening again?" He asked nervously.

"Again?" The tall one named Rhysie asked.

"For your information, cupcake, my fiancé has been getting horrible migraines since her brain injury." He replied to him in an annoyed tone.

"I'm... I'm fine." I spoke up now, standing strait up again.

"Thank goodness," Jack sighed, rubbing my back, "now, quick chat with you here cupcake." He geared his attention back towards the group.

I watched as all three of them stood up strait as well, Rhysie looking the most worried out of all of them but still very serious. His fists clenched together very tightly and looking at Jack in an almost angered facial expression, I wonder what kind of friendship they had before I came along.

"So, I said you could ask one question to my dear Baby, go ahead."

Jack pushed me forward to face the group, my heart beat picking up.

"What's the catch Jack?" He asked sternly.

"Ah, that's right." He pressed his hands together, "you aren't allowed to touch her, dance with her, or show her anything prior to before."

I became so confused by his words, Rhysie was as well but tried to comply with what he was talking about. He backed away from me and was thinking deeply, I still stood there confused, looking back at Jack with a very confused face. He just smiled and nodded towards me, I mouthed to him.

"What's going on?"

He spun his finger for me to turn around and face the tall man once again, his eyes seemed glossed over and his expression saddened. I put weight on my good foot and looked at him intently, waiting for him to say anything.

"Love me tender, love me true." His mouth opened as he sang shakily.

"Watch it there cupcake." I heard Jack behind me.

"All my dreams fulfilled." He continued to sing.

There was a pain building up in the back of my head, my migraine must be coming back even though it wasn't too long before it left. I watched as this stranger looked at me, desperately, his hands brought to the center of his stomach and his eyes shined over by oncoming tears. I reached a hand out to touch his cheek, wanting to calm his nerves, he looked surprised as my hand inched closer.

"Ah ah," I felt Jacks hand grip my arm and pull me away from Rhysie, "you can't touch him either princess."

"Don't you remember me at all?" He asked, a tear falling from his eye.

"N-no... I'm so sorry, I don't." I spoke, my voice shaking as I pulled myself closer to Jack.

"For my darling, I love you..."

I felt my heart jump out of my chest, my head going back in an extreme spin, it felt like I was shot in the head with the barrel pressed against my forehead. I was oblivious to my surrounds and was soon covered by darkness, music played from every different direction and images flew right past me.

I looked around and saw myself dancing with this stranger, seeing our lips pressed against each other's. Everything seemed to be coming back into clear view, my heart racing quickly. He was over me, moving slowly and kissing my lips once again, my mouthed let out a small moan and his name came back.


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