Part Twenty Eight

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I had seen Baby get hurt so much today, it made my blood curdle and the built up anger explode from my chest. I launched myself towards Jack, taking him by surprise and pummeling him to the floor within seconds. The remote flew from his hands and slid across the floor, I sat on Jacks chest and tried my hardest to keep his hands away from my neck. In the intense moment, I heard shuffling from behind as Vaughn and Fiona took Baby away from the room. I felt a quick sigh of relief before I was turned on to my back, feeling pain shoot from my pelvis to my mid back.

"Come on kid, I'm so tired of having to fight you." He seemed unfazed as I was pushing my fists against his chest.

"Then stop." I took in a quick breath.

"You see, I can't do that kiddo." He pressed his hands against my throat and pushed down.

I kicked my long legs into his chest and knocked him about two feet away from me, I tried my hardest to get up but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him. I took my other foot and kicked him strait in the face, he let go quickly and held his hand close to his face. I struggled to get back on my feet and ran over to the remote that sat almost perfectly on the floor, I picked it up quickly. Jack ran towards me but I instantly threw the remote back towards the ground and watched it smash into pieces, a growl escaping from his lips.

"Listen Jack," I put my hands up as I backed away from him, "we can work this out, stay up here on Helios and run things, just leave Pandora alone."

"You really think it's just that easy, to drop everything I've worked so hard for because some kid said so." He held tightly to his chest

"I'm not telling you to drop anything, just leave Pandora alone and run Hyperion while not being a psychopath to anyone who apposes you."

"Your offer seems nice, but it's not an option for me anymore, people look up to me as a strong and fearless man." He walked closer to me, "you really think that I'm going to be just some normal man and people are going to trust me?"

"Give them a reason to."

"You don't think I have!" He yelled, throwing his arms down, "everyone I gave a damn about never gave a damn about me... we've been over this kiddo."

"I did." I pushed my shoulders back, "and you betrayed me, you wanted me to be some skin suit even though you knew how much I looked up to you."

"Life is disappointing pumpkin."

"It doesn't have to be." I spoke desperately.

"I'm in too deep here, now enough trying to convince me to be a good person and shut up so I can kill you.

He launched himself towards me, I quickly pulled a stun rod from my back pocket and shot it into his stomach, knocking him back at least five feet. He became instantly unconscious, his breathing now steadying and quiet, I sighed before sitting down on the floor.

"I could've helped you Jack."


The loading docks were quiet, people made their way back into the ballroom as we tried to get as far away from it as possible. Fiona and Vaughn were trying to place Baby's body in the back seat and strap her in, she was still unconscious from the tough blows to her ankle. I quickly made my way towards them and helped put Baby in the back, I got in after and trapped myself in.

"What happened?" Fiona asked.

"A lot... but we need to get off of Helios."

The ship jerked forward as we made our way away from Helios and back towards Pandora, Baby was still unconscious and mumbled in her comatose state. I looked back at the space station, waiting patiently for something to shoot out from the loading docks and follow us, but the further we got away the less likely it became.

We were all quiet the whole ride home, watching space pass us by and soon entering the atmosphere. Baby was still out cold and had no signs of waking up anytime soon, I looked down at the boot on her leg and sighed. I hunched down and pulled at the straps, letting it loose from her leg and watching as smaller electrical straps fall off of her ankle and calf.

Her ankle was bruised and very swollen, the boot wasn't helping since it was electrocuting her anyways. We landed about a half hour later, the planet in its dark phase and the loading docks seemingly quiet and empty. Fiona turned the engine off and we all began to unstrap ourselves from our seats, I looked at Baby who was reluctant to wake up.

I stood up and unstrapped her from her seat, her body was limp but her pulse was still existent which was relieving due to how much pain was put through her re-broken ankle. I carried her out of the ship and we made our way to the garage where the vehicle was, all I wanted was nice warm shower and cuddle session with Baby, but I knew that she needed to rest and recover alone.

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