Part Sixteen

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"Alright, so these things are pretty easy to work," Rhys slid a small blue tablet in front of me, "it's like those tablets from where you're from, just blue and a little faster."

I tapped around on it, it was just like my phone but bigger and bluer. I pressed a button on the top and watched as it shrink to pocket size, I jumped back in shock a little as it shrunk before my eyes. I heard a small laugh escape Rhys's mouth, I looked over at him.

"It's fine, it does that too."

He walked around the counter and turned up the radio, his eyes widening as a smile crept across his face.

"Are we going to dance to this song too?" I turned off the pad and looked at him.

"If you'd like." He stuck his hand out towards me.

I grabbed it as he pulled me into our normal dancing position, I was so happy he convinced me to start dancing with him. I felt such a strong connection when we danced slowly, the way our hands intertwined with each others and how I rested my head against his chest, swaying to the music. Some couples have their favorite activity wether its movies, adventures, or even cuddling, but I think ours is dancing. We danced every time we had the chance, I couldn't be happier when he'd reach his hand towards me and offered another dance.

He slowly dipped me back before pulling me back up with ease, he pressed his forehead against mine as we swayed our way around the living room. I felt my heart flutter as we got slower our feelings crashing into each other's, he let out a shaky breath and let a tune fall from his mouth.

" Love me tender, love me true, all my dreams fulfilled. For my darlin I love you, and I always will."

He sang quietly along with the music, hitting the notes just right and making me feel like he really meant what he was singing. I bit down on my lips, not wanting to cry as he held me close to his body and sang me this perfect little song, I couldn't think of anyone else to be happy with as much as I was happy with him. I gave in and let a small tear fall from my eye and let it soak up in his shirt, I tried to swallow the lump in my throat hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time." He sang in a hushed tone, pulling away.

He looked down at me with a sad look on his face, he wiped tears from my cheeks and smiled at me. It was true, he wasn't here to hurt me and manipulate me like I had been before, he gave me a family and a relationship that I was more than happy to be in.

"Don't cry Baby," he pulled my into his chest, "I'm not here to hurt you."

He rubbed my back as we slowly swayed with the music, I let out a shaky laugh as more tears fell down my cheeks and stained his shirt. I felt something warm and wet hit my shoulder, pulling away I saw that Rhys was crying with me.

"I love you." He whispered.

"And I always will." I whispered back.


I listened in on a conversation that a few were having outside of a small building, I had finally arrived to New Haven and it was going to be a lot harder to kidnap the girl than I was expecting. I had no idea where Rhys lived and had no idea what their schedule was, I covered my face as I tried to listen to the conversation a little closer.

"Yeah, we haven't had a party in so long, I think it would be great to finally see the town let loose."

I smiled, life was just throwing more and more lucky shots as I continued to push my way through it. Now all I had to do was think of a plan to get this girl close enough to me so I could inject her, I smiled devilishly before walking back to where I had resided for the past few hours, it wasn't my usual bed but had to do for now. I still looked dashing as ever... despite the fact that I kept my face covered. I had to find myself a mask once I get the girl.

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