Part Fourteen

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I approached a small abandoned skag cave, it smelled of mold and decaying bodies, but this is where the tales say she is. I've used technology to get my way for the past few years, but now I was going to have to rely on spirituality. There were rumors of a women who lived in an abandoned skag cave who made potions that manipulated people's senses, decisions, and memories.

I walked into the cave, meandering aimlessly into the dark and cool rock formation. My footsteps echoed in the cave along with the popping of what sounded like a fire, I walked closer to the sound and found a short women cloaked in beige cloth, warming up by the fire.

"Are you the one people have rumors about?" I asked the women, my voice booming through the cave.

She was quiet and unresponsive, I made my way in front of her and sat down on the other side of the fire. Her eyes were cloudy and her lips were a bright pink and very wrinkly, I sympathized a bit but tried to get her attention again.

"Son, you have to take off your mask and let me into your soul." Her voice was shaky and a bit distorted.

I clicked the clasps on the side of my face and pulled the mask off, feeling the condensation roll down my skin, letting my scar breath once again. She sat up strait, her eyes now a cloudy orange, she just looked at me without saying another word.

"Are you-"

She stuck up her finger, shushing me instantly. A smile crept across her face before pulling a small vile from her pocket, standing up, and walking away. I heard a quick snap and soon the room lit up, torches that lined the sides of the cave.

"I know what you need, the girl."

"Yes, but how-"

"You have to seduce her, not in a sexual way, but make her want you." I watched over her shoulder as she mixed something in her old rusted over sink, "then, once she's close enough to you, inject this into her neck."

"What does it do?" I asked before she handed me the small vile.

"It erases her memories but-"

"Perfect!" I boomed, taking the vile from her hand.

"Hold on son, every perfect potion has its flaws."

"Well, what is it?"

"The spell will be broken if she remembers something from her past, by a pair of eyes, a touch, a song, even a dance."

"How convenient." I replied sarcastically.

"More often than not, the only thing that can really bring a person back from this spell is-"

"Wait, wait, don't tell me." I waved my hand, the other holding the vile against my head, "a kiss."

"No," she said sternly, "a song."

"Well, I'll keep that in mind." I groaned with gritted teeth, "what do you want in exchange for this?"

"Your mask my son." He words shot through me.

"My mask?"

"Yes, it is the only thing you have brought with you and has a lot of spiritual value."

"Alright," I pulled the mask from my coat pocket and handed it to her hastily.

There was a loud gust of wind and suddenly the cave went dark, I turned and saw the entrance was much closer than before. I walked out into the desert and saw the way the purple liquid moved in the small vile, I chuckled to myself and stuck it in my coat pocket.

(Day Before)

My feet beat down on the jagged and broken road, the sun beating down on my back. I was heading for the legend, the women people talked about in rumors and hushed tones, I made my way through the Rust Commons. There was a small laugh my ears perked up and I listened in, there was soft music playing from a distance.

I turned my head to see what I assumed was a dam, then right across a building with two people dancing on top. How foolish of them to be doing something as stupid as this, they could be shot down. I made my way closer, seeing if I could scare them, but I was stopped dead in my tracks when I realized who it was.

"Hey there kiddo." I whispered, backing behind the fence.

They danced slowly on top of the building, peacefully keeping themselves close to each other. A smile creeped across his face, he turned and soon was faced with the mystery girl the men were talking about. Glasses covered her eyes despite that they were closed, her body was chubbier than expected and she look like a child next to Rhys.

They continued to dance close to each other, there was no way this was going to be easy, taking her away from this man. Now I knew that I definitely needed help, I began to walk back towards the desert to find this abandoned skag cave. This was one for the spirits to help me out with.

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