Part Eleven

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I made my way outside, finally getting my knife back from Vaughn. I sat down on a rock not too far from Rhys's home and just stared out at the small town as the sun began to set, I kicked my feet against the rock and just sat there in thought. My thoughts were shortly interrupted, which wasn't a surprise,    by the sound of a rolling wheel.


I looked down at my feet and saw a small robot that was painted blue, his hand stretched for me to shake it. I grabbed it slowly before he shook it hard, for such small robot he really knew how to shake a hand hard.

"I'm Claptrap." His animated voice yelled excitedly.

"Hi there Claptrap." I pulled my feet up on the rock and watched as he rolled away from me quickly.

"That was weird." I mumbled to myself.

I continued to look around, the moon was in a crescent phase and was shaking early, I sighed and looked up at it longingly. I loved the moon back on Earth, I loved the eclipses or blood moons. I wonder if that happened here on Pandora, I let my sore leg back down as I continued to look around.

Pushing myself off of the rock, I began to walk off and look around the small, walled in town. Some people just stood around just as you were, others talked to their friends or what I suppose they thought as their friends. Walking down to the exit of the town, I saw scrap metal scattering the area and some people picking it up. They're probably starting to clean up the planet now, I smiled as I walked past them. I continued to walk, but my walk was cut short by a frantic voice.

"Baby?" I heard Rhys yell.

I turned and looked back at him from a couple of yards, I waved at him but he bolted towards me instead of calmly walking over. His feet skidded against the ground as he made his way to me, he picked me up instantly and ran back towards the town.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused as hell.

"You aren't supposed to leave the walls without me, it's too dangerous out there."

"I'm sorry... I can walk though."

He slowed down a little before setting me down.

"I know, I just miss carrying you."


"Sir, we got news that the man you are looking for is in New Haven." The worker spoke to me nervously.

"Alright, how did you find that out?" I asked, flipping through new blue prints for the space station.

"Well, we were collection pieces of metal by New Haven and this girl comes out, wandering around."

"Yes, get to the point." I rolled my wrist, trying to get him to spit it out.

"He came out running after her and ran away back into the town with her."

I paused, my hands stopped scanning the blueprints and lifted them off of the papers. I looked at the man who still stood there nervously, waiting for me to say something.

"Where again did you say that they were?" I tilted my head as I asked.

"N-New Haven, sir."


I walked away from the man and pulled a map out of another mans back pocket seeing exactly where we were. The Crimson Alcove... we weren't too far out, it would take me about a day to get there by foot which I guess in this case would be the sneakiness way.

"Men." I yelled, catching everyone's attention, "I will be leaving soon, I want this space station in the atmosphere in two days tops, I'll be coming back with a special guest and I want her to have a warm welcoming." I rubbed my hands together.

The men stood there, looking confused and some worried, I rested my arms by sides in a frustrated manner.

"That means get back to work genius's!" I yelled before everyone dispersed.

It's going to take a few hours to get the supplies I need for my journey... That and I needed to take a short visit to a special someone to help me capture that girl.

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