Part Twenty Seven

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Watching her collapse to the floor sent a shock of panic through everyone, I kneeled down and tried to see what was happening but Jack pushed me away from her. He picked her up in her arms and pulled her away from us.

"Good going kiddo." He growled at me.

"B-Baby." I reached my hand out towards them but he walked away.

She was really gone, there was nothing I could do now, she couldn't remember me or the song that we had danced to only a few short days ago. When we slow danced in the kitchen and cried on each others shoulders. I felt a hand on my shoulder, Fiona looked up at me as tears had welled up in her eyes.

We made our way out of the room, people staring us down on our shameful walk. The music picked back up as we pushed our way towards the exit, I made my way back towards the window and just stared at the moon.

"What do we do now?" Vaughn asked.

"I don't know." I whispered, placing my hands behind my back.

We stood there silently and watched as the moon slowly spun, the music vibrating all the way out in the hall. She's really gone now, there's noting I can do about it except watch her get married to the man who was going to kill me and now rule Pandora.


I pushed myself back into the same chair I was rested in before, the name played over and over through my head as everything came flowing back into thought. Jack... Handsome Jack was looking at me worriedly, I nearly flew back in my seat now knowing this man from what Rhys had told me. Why was I here? What is going on? Why am I not with Rhys?

"Baby," he rubbed my shoulders, "what's wrong princess."

"I-I-I..." I was at a loss for words, the only things going through my head was Rhys and that song.

"And I always will." The last lyric of that verse, coming into clear vision.

"Baby, sweety." He cooed.

"J-Jack." I managed to let the words fall out of my mouth, his smile replaced his worried face.

"Thank goodness, we should end this party early, you are obviously not feeling well."

"No, no." I stuck my hand up, "I want to sing." He looked confused.

"I had no idea that you could sing," he helped me off of the chair, "go on, that band should know any song that comes to mind."

I made my over to the stage, feeling the boot on my foot drag across the dance floor, I still wasn't used to this. A memory flashed over my head quickly, Jack kicking my ankle and pushing something into my neck. I brought my hand up towards the injection spot and felt a tiny bump across one of my vanes, a chill ran up my spine knowing that this wasn't some fever dream. I walked across the stage and tapped one of the people on the shoulder, she smiled at me and asked what I needed.

"I would like to sing a song... if-if that would be alright."

"Of course, what song did you have in mind?"

I whispered in her ear, she pulled away and saw a smile spread across her lips.

"I love that song, let me go tell the rest of the band."

A few moments went by before the women walked me over to the center of the stage, she patted my shoulder and before I knew it, an acoustic guitar took over and the room grew quiet.

"Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go." I sang, the room growing quiet and people starting.

"You have made my life complete and I love you so."

I watched over the crowd, people moving into a slow dance and moving along with my voice. I watched the open doors waiting for Rhys to walk back in, it was so long.

"Love me tender, love me true, all my dreams fulfilled. For my darling I love you and I always will."

Jack looked up on stage as I sang those words, he looked nervous knowing that the song was the same song Rhys had sang to me. My eyes darted towards the entrance as Rhys had finally ran through frantically and looked up on stage as my voice bellowed through the room, I shot him a smile as he had done the same before wiping tears away from his eyes.

"I'll be yours through all the years,
till the end of time."

Jack looked back toward the door and his hands soon clenched into fists before running towards the stage, people clapped for me but I was more focused on getting to Rhys. I placed the microphone back in the holder and pushed myself gently off of the stage, avoiding the stairs and getting far away from Jack.

I pushed myself through the crowd, getting people out of my way as quick as possible knowing that Jack followed quickly behind. People tried desperately to stop and talk to me but I needed to get to Rhys, I could see him as he was frantically trying to find me as well. The floor seemed to clear and we were only mere feet from each other, a nice wide opening for me to jump right in his arms.

He already got a head start, rushing towards me as tears fell from his eyes, I could feel my eyes beginning to water as well, limping most of the way to his arms. He got to me in a matter of seconds and picked me up in his arms, holding me close to his body as it was trembling.

"Oh Baby." His voice was shaky and tired.

"I'm sorry... I-I forgot you."

"It's ok, come on we need to get out of here." He pulled me into his arms and began making his way back through the crowd.

"Not so fast there kiddos." Jacks voice rang through the large room.

A static shock was sent through my ankle, making Rhys drop me as I tumbled to the floor. The pain was excruciating and it felt like my leg was on fire from the intense vibration of electricity, I nearly screamed in pain. People began running out of the room, terrified.

"Did you really think it was going to be easy to run off with my queen?" He asked, walking calmly over towards us.

"Jack, you're not holding up the end of your deal." Rhys growled.

"Do I usually?" He laughed, "come on kiddo, how naive can you be?"

He looked down at me as I was becoming calm from the intense pains in my ankle, he pressed some button on a remote and sent another shock through me.

"I guess you can't be as naive as this little thing, huh?"

"Stop hurting her." Rhys yelled.

"Oh come on, I'm just playing around," he sighed, "your little girlfriend here, danced with someone who was just a total stranger and ended up with a needle in her neck... so easy."

His words... they reminded me of him. I tried my hardest to get up from the floor, the pain being worse than before.

"It's so funny how she's trying," he laughed, "come on now princess, daddy doesn't want you too hurt on our honey moon."

"Stop calling me princess." I groaned, standing up.

"You loved it so much just a few hours ago."

"You tricked me... you're horrible." I spat back at him.

"You pronounced Handsome wrong."

He pressed hard onto the button again, making me fall back to the floor, my vision becoming blurry and soon I was gone.

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