Part Fifteen

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I felt the hot sun beat down on my back, my hair was in knots and snarls when I tried tussle my fingers through them. My head pounded, legs were sore, and my vision was cloudy and all my eyes could focus on was the man asleep right in front of me. I had vague memories of last night, but I knew what had happened due to sobering up.

I wiped the drool from my face and scooted closer to Rhys, sleeping with his mouth wide open and breathing in intensely. It was somewhat annoying so I tried to close his mouth, pinching his lips together and trying to close them together. I watched his eyes twitch a little before swatting my hand away, I pulled it into my chest and stared at him. He was quiet again, so I lucked out.

"Sorry if I was too loud." Rhys spoke, my eyes widened.

"I didn't think you were awake."

"Well, I was asleep until I felt something touching my lips."

"That... that wasn't me." I stuttered a bit.

"Really?" He paused, "then I guess there's a ghost."

"There's ghost on Pandora?"

"I don't know, maybe." He thought for a minute, "damn it." He laughed, letting the joke fall.

"You're not too good at jokes, are you?"

"I try, I really do try."

"I'll give you that much." I smiled, nuzzling my head further into the crook of his neck.

We laid there in silence, the sun shining through the rest of the room. I had no clue what time it was, but it was already almost the dark phase. The quick days and nights were hard to adapt to, but my sleeping schedule became a confusing pile of twists and turns.

"I could stay here like this all damn day if I really wanted to."

"What's stopping you?" I asked, running my finger against his chest.

"Nothing really."

"Then let's just stay here... all day."

"Yes, lets." He smiled, pulling me in closer to his chest.

This was what I was running to, this was meant to happen, I was supposed to fall through that worm hole and meet these amazing people. I knew that my past life wasn't meant to be so harsh and unforgiving, I was meant to be here in the arms of someone who really loves me.

There was sudden stumbling and rustling heard from outside the bedroom door, Rhys shot up quickly, his eyes meeting with his friends who stood in the doorway. I peaked over the covers and got a better look even though my vision was still blurry, Vaughn stuck his fists in the air and yelled.

"I told you!" He laughed before running off, "didn't I? I knew it!" He yelled before running off.

"I hope we weren't interrupting anything." Fiona smiled, crossing her arms.

"Uh... we were just... cuddling." He made the situation a little more awkward.

"We can go if we have to?" Sasha spoke in a questioned tone, poking her thumb in a different direction.

"No, it's alright." He waved his hands, "what's up?" He asked.

"Well, were going to a thing tomorrow and-"

"It's a party." Vaughn poked back around.

"Yeah, basically. We were gunna ask if you wanted to come."

Rhys looked down at me, my eyes focusing on his expression, I wasn't sure if he wanted to go.

"Where is it?" He asked.

"Not too far, it's still in town." Fiona spoke.

"Alright... I'll take it into consideration," he smiled to his friends, "now... would it be possible if we could have our alone time?"

"Of course." Fiona stuck her hands up and walked away.

The others waved by and left us there in bed, Rhys relaxed back into the bed, running his fingers through his messy hair. He let a smile creep across his face before turning to look at me, I smiled back him.

"They would have figured it out eventually... just didn't expect it to be in this moment." He smirked, pulling the covers over us again.

"Are we really going to that party?" I asked, burrowing under the blanket.

"I don't see why not, I think it would be fun to get out and do something with friends."

"I was thinking the same thing." I giggled.

Rhys pressed a kiss against my forehead, my nose, then my lips. Forcing a smile to form, he pecked my lips over and over till I stopped him by the back of his neck. Pulling him closer to me as we continued to kiss, more passionately. He placed himself on top of me, his lips still connected to mine, our kiss never breaking it's bond.

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