Part Nineteen

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The building became empty about twenty minutes after Baby had left, I felt bad only just now noticing how long she had been gone. Fiona looked over at me a bit worried, thinking about Baby as well. I got up and walked towards the front door, Sasha, Vaughn, and Fiona following behind, I was hoping that maybe she passed out and was just laying down.

I opened the door to see the empty courtyard, my heart beat speeding up slightly as my eyes frantically looked around.

"Baby!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the area.

Nothing happened, not a damn thing, I turned back around to see them all looking confused and curious. I made a quick jog around the building, calling her name every time I turned a corner. Soon I heard my name, and it wasn't in a positive tone either, Vaughn kept calling my name more frantically each time.

"Rhys get the hell over here." He yelled.

I ran back towards the front door, the building illuminated with a blue light, a giant holographic H in the middle of the building. My heart dropped as the H dispersed into the code and was met with the back of someone's head, it couldn't have been.

"He-hey there kiddo!" I heard the charismatic voice ring through the building.

"How the hell are you still alive?" I growled.

I watched as the figure turned around, I was horrified to see what was under the mask, I put my hand over my mouth as he looked at me raising an eyebrow. A bright blue emblem was embedded into his face and his eye was clouded over, his mask was no where near his face, he smirked.

"I know, hideous, right?" I heard his laugh turn into an angry growl, "to answer your question as to why I'm alive... you should have probably kept better watch of your old cybernetics." He tapped his temple, I knew they couldn't have just up and disappeared, I shook my head.

"What the hell do you want." I yelled, balling my hands into fists.

"Well, I don't think it's particularly what I want," he chuckled, lifting something in his arms, "it's what you want."

I watched as he lifted Baby up in his arms, she was unconscious, her chest still moving up and down. I heard gasps from the group behind me, this only fueled my anger.

"You better give her back right now or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? Kill the man who's been killed twice?" His laugh invaded my ears, "not likely kiddo." He was right though.

"Just... just give me Baby back!"

"Ah, that's her name, I'll keep that in mind once she wakes up."

"Give her back." I growled.

"It's not gunna be that easy kiddo, but I do have an offer that you won't refuse, you'll get to take her home too." He waved Baby's limp arm around, making my blood boil.

"What's the offer, Jack?"

"There's going to be a little party up on Helios in about three days... wouldn't want you to miss it, dancing, singing, wine," he sighed, "everything you and Baby love."

"How the hell-"

"Ah, not done yet kiddo," he stuck his hand up, "you come here, ask Baby one simple question and if she answers in your favor then you can take her and I'll leave you alone."


"God, can ya let me finish?" He groaned, "if she doesn't answer in your favor then she's mine and I can go back being the king of Pandora."

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"That, you'll just have to figure that out yourself when you get here kiddo," I watched as he put Baby over his shoulders.

"Don't hurt her!" I growled.

"I won't hurt her," he caressed the back of her thigh, inching closer to her behind and a smile creeping across his face.

"See ya later kiddo." He waved, the screen flashing before turning the room back to dark.

I felt tears fall down my cheeks, my hands trembling by my sides as they unraveled from the form of fists. I felt a hand on my shoulder but flinched away, being terrified from the touch.

"Rhys." Vaughn spoke in a worried tone.

I turned and looked at the group, their faces changing expression as I confirmed to stare at them. More tears rolling down my face as flashes of Baby's unconscious body in Jacks arms, I punched the door with my cybernetic hand, putting hole through it. Leaving the group behind, I began to walk home feeling my heart shatter as my hand was empty and craving hers.

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