Part Eighteen

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My heart was pounding like crazy, my head seemed to be in a slight spin, and the way my ankle pulsed made me decide it was time to stop. I felt sweat drip down my temples and under the fabric of my jeans, I needed to take a break from the humid atmosphere in this small building.

"Rhys, can I go outside?" I asked, "I just need some air."

"Yeah, of course." He smiled, kissing my cheek. "Be safe."

I held onto his shoulder as I gently made my way off of the stool and walked towards the front door, people still dancing like crazy. I opened the door and felt the less warm air hit my face, the music became null as the door slowly closed. I looked up at the stars in the sky, it was amazing out here, I never really got to see the stars.

I leaned against the building and felt the vibrations from the music travel through the wall and into my body, it was all so surreal to actually be here and have this not be some fever dream. I smiled to myself and swayed slowly, thinking about all the times Rhys and I had danced, all the smiles and kisses. My thoughts were interrupted my footsteps on the gravely road, I looked up to see a tall hooded man. I felt my heart beat pick up, I couldn't move as I got cold feet.

"Don't be alarmed cupcake." The person spoke, his voice as smooth as butter.

"A-are you going to h-hurt me?" I sounded like hell, trying to not seem weak.

"No, I'm not." He paused, putting his hands behind his back, "if it's alright with you though, I would love to dance a little."

His words surprised me, I put my hands down to my sides and let my guard fall as well.

"Wouldn't you like to go into the party, dance with someone in there?" I asked.

"I don't particularly like the people who are in there... but you remind me of someone I once knew... it won't take too long." He sounded a bit desperate.

"O-ok... but just be careful, I broke my ankle recently and it's still somewhat healing."

"Don't worry pumpkin," he pulled at my hand, bringing me closer to him. "I'll be gentle." He spoke in a hushed tone.

The music that played in the building seemed to grow louder outside, I turned to see that the door was still closed before this stranger pulled me along to the faster paced music. It sounded like Elvis yet again, I watched as the stranger twisted his hips along with the music. I did the same, holding hastily onto his hand, he pulled me into his chest quickly and danced slowly.

The song switched between relaxed to fast paced dance, I watched as he twisted his feet around the other and tried to do the same, only hurting my ankle more.

"What brings you here anyways?" I asked trying to mask my incompetence.

"Well, I'm a working around here helping to get scrap metal to rebuild Helios, I heard the music and decided it would be fun to hang around outside and listen to the music... then I found you." He let me away from his chest and spun me around quickly, bringing me back and dipping me as my head almost touched the ground.

"You're good at this." I laughed.

"Well, I try." I heard his smile.

As we spun around the small and dusty front, we traveled under a lamp post as I got a glimpse of his face. What seemed to be a blue tattoo came down across his cheek, a scar sitting next to it.

"You're the devil in disguise."

We went back into the darkness of the courtyard, the music speeding up and his footing becoming faster, I tried to keep up but ended up almost tripping over my own two feet. He turned me around and held me against his chest, dancing to the music in that position now.

"What did you say your name was?" I asked.

"I didn't." I felt him jolt to a stop.

He bashed his foot into my bad ankle, making me loose my footing, he held me up in his arms as I tried to get out of his grasp. I should've been smarter than this, I tried to pull his arm off of me but his tight grip was sustained. I looked back as I struggled and saw that his hood had fallen off, revealing a deep blue scar embedded in his face, his left eye was pink and cloudy. I was about to scream but I felt a sharp pain shoot through my neck, taking my attention way from my ankle. I felt my body get heavier as I tried to pull away from him, but as I got weaker his grip became tighter.

"Rhys..." I whispered as I watched my vision go blurry, the building became a mirage.


I watched the girl go limp in my arms, her contorted ankle making it harder for her to keep herself up. She kept mumbling his name but soon it became small whimpers and heavy breathing, I chuckled as I lifted her up on my shoulder.

She would wake up from this coma in about twelve hours so I had to make my way back to the ground base for Helios, then we can go from there.

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