Part Twenty Two

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I loaded my shot gun into my holster and my revolver into the other, sadness over flowed my chest but I'm going to try and get Baby back. I hopped into the vehicle and slammed the door shut, Fiona and Vaughn clapped and cheered very sarcastically. I looked around, Sasha was no where to be seen.

"Where's Sasha?" I asked before siting down.

"She's having  morning sickness." Vaughn spoke, resting his forehead into his hand.

"I didn't think she was pregnant." Fiona replied.

"I didn't either... till this morning." He sighed.


"Thanks man."

"As much as that was heart warming, we need to get a move on." Fiona stepped on the gas and jerked the vehicle forward.

We drove through the desert and headed towards the Helios loading docks, I felt my blood boil the longer I sat there in the back. I wasn't entirely sure what we were gunna be faced with once we get to Helios but I hope that we are ready, I needed Baby back in my arms. There was a sudden static shock sound as the windshield of the window filled with blue, Fiona screamed as she drove off of the road and stopped the vehicle.

"Damnit." I groaned, looking at the windshield.

You're invited to the special event!
Tomorrow night
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm reception dinner.
9:45 pm - 1:45 am ballroom dancing
Day after
4:30 - 5:30
5:45 -6:45
Say goodbye
Dressing up is mandatory, patrons wearing casual clothing or Pandoran clothing will be kicked out.

My mouth dropped instantly, Fiona and Vaughn looked back at me as their eyes filled with shock. I slammed my foot against the floor of the vehicle, my boots making a large banging noise as they hit the metal sheeted floor.

"We need new clothes." I stated, they both looked at me dumb founded, "were going before that damn wedding happens." I growled.

Fiona slammed down hard on the has and sped through the desert, kicking up dust and dirt as the vehicle speeded down the road. I felt my head spin, thinking about Baby in the arms of Jack... he must be manipulating her somehow, telling her about how many people I've killed. That doesn't make him any better though, he's killed people too, he did it intentionally. How she could fall for Jack even after knowing what I had told her about him is beyond astonishing, he must have removed some part of her temporal lobe if that wasn't insane enough, I wouldn't put it past him.


"I hate dressing up." I groaned, pulling a dress coat over my torso.

"You'd think you'd complain less since we're trying to save your girlfriend." Fiona mumbled, picking up another dress.

"And you'd think it would be easier for you to pick out a dress." I quipped back.

"Don't test me." She pointed a finger in my face.

"Are you guys seriously fighting?" Vaughn walked out wearing a tux, his glasses folded and tucking in his shirt pocket.

"It's good to see that you finally got ready." I replied to his remark, trying my hardest to pull this tie up.

"Finally." Fiona spoke in a hushed tone before running to the dressing room.

"By time we're done with getting clothes together, Baby and Jack will be mar-" I interrupted Vaughn.

"Don't even say it, once we get there she'll just snap out of whatever trance she's in and run into my arms, plain and simple."

"Don't get your hopes up, Jack could have some tricks up his sleeve."

"I know that." I buttoned up the coat and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a nerd going to prom.

"Alright, I'm ready." Fiona walked out, "lets a get a move on, we still have a few hours too we get to the Helios loading docks."

We quickly paid our dues as we still wore our clothes, we'd change later as now is not the time. We have to get there as soon as possible, who knows how many people are there and how many people are going to crowd up the loading docks.

We hopped back into the vehicle and got comfortable before driving off, the sun setting on the desert making it look orange once again. I looked up at Helios, my eyes glossing over just knowing that she was up there... walking around... staring out the large windows.

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