Part Five

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I sat on the bathroom floor with a towel under me and another wrapped around my body, Rhys was behind me, brushing through my hair gently. I was too sore to move and I needed all the help I could get by moving around and doing basic things, at least when I got hurt some one would help me through the healing part.

"I have some sweatpants that will be easy for you to put on and take off when you need to." Rhys spoke over the music that he had turned on yet again.

"This fifties music is messing with my head." I groaned.

"It's not just fifties, it's fifties, sixties, and seventies." He replied before standing up and walking out of the room.

I stood up, putting weight on my good foot and turned to face the doorway where he had left, he came back moments later with grey sweatpants and a t shirt in his hands. He looked at me awkwardly before I spun around again, dropping the towel to the floor.

He placed the shirt over my torso and then turned me around, he kept his eyes locked on mine as he helped me into the sweatpants and pulled them up. I smiled at him, fully dressed in comfortable clothing and clean.

"Better?" He asked.

"Yes." I muttered back.

"Somewhere beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me."

The music echoed in the small bathroom, Rhys picked me up and carried me into the living room.

"Care for a dance?" He asked as he bobbed to the music.

"I'd say yes, but I have a broken ankle."

"We can dance just like this." He laughed, "just wrap your arms around my neck."

"Alright, just be careful."

He swayed along with the old music, bobbing up and down, twirling around every now and then. He hummed along with the music as we continued to move us around the small living room, I laughed as he looked down at me and gave me a goofy smile. His eye lids were relaxed as he kept a close watch on mine, turning my cheeks red.

"So long, sailin." He sang in unison with the music that echoed from the bathroom.

I looked away from his eyes, feeling my cheeks turn a bright red, he moved over to the couch and placed me down gently.

"I'm going to have to take you dancing once your ankle is healed." He stated as he walked back to the bathroom, turning off the music.

"Uh, yeah maybe not."

"Why not?" He whined.

"I don't dance... like at all." I replied, trying to not sound like a buzzkill.

"Well, I'll teach you, it's not too hard."

"We'll see." I stated, wanting the conversion to sort of end in that.

He walked back in and took a seat next to me on the couch, my phone in his hand. He gave it to me with a bright smile on his face.

"Can you show me how it works?" He asked.

"Sure, you just type in the password and it unlocks." I typed it in and it showed my home screen, "I can't really use it cause I need internet and I'm pretty sure that I don't have service on another planet."

"That makes sense now that you've actually said it... it must suck not having contact with anyone back home." He sounded disappointed.

"Trust me, no one misses me." I laughed.

"Someone's gotta miss you."

"Nah, I pushed a lot of my family away when I was younger for this one guy who ended up ruining my life." Rhys scooted closer, but I just wanted to leave it at that.

"Sounds like a dick."

"He is... er, he was."

"Well, you're here now."

"I have even less purpose here now, woohoo." I stated sarcastically.

"Don't say stuff like that, even if you had a job you still wouldn't be able to do it cause of your ankle."

"True, but once it's healed then what am I gunna do?"

"There's probably somewhere you can do something for work."

"I'm not good at much." I laughed.

"What did you do back on Earth?" He asked.

"I was a tattoo artist."

"Huh... maybe you can set up your own tattoo place thing."

"Parlor, I'd need a tattoo gun and ink and all the fixings." I sat further back in the couch.

"Maybe not think about it too much right now, just try to think about healing." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and sat back as well.


"I just walked in here and they were curled up like this." Fiona spoke, pointing at the two who were asleep on the couch.

"Maybe they stayed up all night, I can't suspect that a broken ankle is too settling to sleep with." I said as I walked closer to the two.

"No no, leave them like that..." Sasha whispered, "they probably need it."

"Come on guys, we should let them have their rest." Fiona pulled us along.

I looked back at them, Rhys's arm draped over Baby in a protective manner. The way she leaned against him, relaxed and gentle... it was strait out of a movie.

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