Part Four

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My eyes shot open instantly, I was on the hardwood floor once again, I saw the blood that pooled out of my nose thanks to him. I sighed before getting up, I was very wobbly but I could stand on my feet... which was weird seeing as how my ankle was broken. I heard drunken slurs and angry yelling from the room next to me, I began to run but I was soon stopped by the chain latched around my ankle.

"Baby!" The voice was menacing and made my blood curdle.

I pulled at the chain and tried to rip it from the floor, but I had zero luck. I yelled and screamed for the damn thing to get the hell off of me, I heard hard and fast footsteps coming for me. I felt hot tears race down my face and my throat felt like I had swallowed a whole pack of thumb tacks.

"Rhys!" I cried, my hands became blistered as I couldn't pull at the chain any longer.

My heart raced as I felt hands pressed down on my shoulders, I tried to move them but just like the chain, they were staying right in place. I took in a deep breath as my eyes shot open, a pair of mix matched eyes staring down at me, making me jump back.

"Baby, Baby, calm down its just me." Rhys was kneeling on the floor, rubbing my shoulders trying to get me to forget about my dream.

I looked at him, he instantly calmed me down, I pulled him into a hug which caught him by surprise but he soon hugged back. He pulled away and looked at me, wiping away the tears that coated my face, I wished I could wipe the worry off of his face as I was not looking forward to explaining my dream to him.

"Baby... what happened?" He rubbed my shoulders.

I didn't answer, there was no possible way I could at this point. My dream had distorted my thinking passage, he looked at me worriedly.

"Rhys... please." I looked at him, pleading for him to not divulge further.

He looked at me, disappointed and sad that I couldn't tell him what was on my mind. He wiped away another tear that had managed to fall down my cheek, he helped me off of the couch and walked me over to the kitchen, sitting me down on a stool.

"You should probably eat something, you're as pale as a ghost." He stated.

I just sat there and fiddled with my thumbs as he rummaged through his fridge, I hadn't eaten anything from this planet which was definitely surprising since I've been here for a day. He shoved something in the microwave and pressed some buttons before it made a buzzing noise, I guess microwave hadn't changed much.

Rhys leaned against the counter and looked at me, I didn't even notice he was dressed in boxer shorts and a loose t shirt. Then here I was with one shoe still on my foot and torn up clothes, I felt gross in front of him.

"Is there any chance of me taking a shower anytime soon?" I asked not looking at him.

"Eat first, then I'll help you."

"Help me?"

He looked away with an awkward expression on his face... he was looking for the right words to say to make the situation just right.

"I have to help cause... you need to take your pants off and your... ankle is all wrapped up." He got quieter as he tried to finish his awkward sentence

"Gotcha." I nodded, avoiding eye contact with him now.

"Your fashion doesn't really fit for Pandora so you can get some clothes that fit the style."

"I don't know the style." I folded my arms, "plus I have a strong feeling that it will be hard to find anything on my size given my body type."

"Theres plus sized clothing, you won't need to worry."

The microwave beeped, he opened the door and pulled the plate out, burning his finger tips.

"Ow, ow, ow!" He set the plate down on the counter and ran over to the sink, turning on the water and pouring it on his hand.

I laughed a little as he seemed a bit stressed, then again it's his fault for grabbing a hot plate out of the microwave. He looked at me as he still seemed distressed but managed to give me a sarcastic look back, I smiled and looked back at my crossed arms. I was heavily tattooed, Rhys had a few tattoos but they looked different than usual tattoos... then again this in 800 years in the future and a different planet. He dried his hands and pushed the plate towards me.

"I appreciate that you made me something... but can you tell me what this something is." I asked, poking it with a fork he slid over moments before.

"Well, its skag meat that has been seasoned with an assortment of different spices and-"

"What's a skag?" I asked, interrupting him.

"A big... dog looking thing but has a weird mouth, you'll see one soon enough."

"Are they everywhere?"

"Yeah, basically." He walked over and sat down next to me, resting his hands on the counter, "you should probably eat now."

"I know."

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