Part Six

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I heard some rustling, someone was moving about the room and going it sneakily, trying to not make too much noise. My eyes shot open, meeting Rhys's instantly, he was loading up a revolver with another on the table in front of me. He pushed the bullet into the barrel slower now, looking at me with an estranged look on his face.

"What are you doing?" I asked, sitting up further in the couch.

"We're going out, see if we can get you some clothes." He placed the revolver in his holster and handed me the one that was on the table.

"Where's my knife?"

He was quiet for a moment, trying to catch his thoughts as best as he could. He walked back into his room for a minute before coming out with my bag, he gave it to me.

"Maybe it's in there?" He questioned.

I checked through it, finding just my clothes, wallet, and charger. I looked back up at him, it looked like a light bulb went off in his head, he looked at me now before coming over and helping put one single shoe on my foot.

"I know where it is," he sighed, "Vaughn took it from you yesterday."

"Oh... Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"Well, you have a gun so you'll be fine."

"I-I don't do guns." I stuttered.

"Why not?"

"Not my thing..." I trailed off


"You stay right there, if you move, I'll shoot your damn head off." He pressed the barrel of the gun against my forehead before walking off. 

I sat on the floor, crying as I looked down at my hands that were tied tightly with rope along with my feet. I tried to think of how exactly I would get myself out of this situation, pressing my hands against my forehead, letting the tears stain and dampen the rope on my wrists.

"Good, you stayed-" He looked down at me, laughing pitifully, "oh shut up, I could have killed you, right?"

I let my hands fall into my lap and stared down at my lap, he grabbed the rope that bound my arms together and pulled me off of the ground forcefully.

"Now get in the bedroom, I wanna have a little fun with you." He pushed me back to our room.

He liked to do this often, scare me, tie me up, then have his "fun". He did it just to show his dominance and how I needed him to protect me because I was so vulnerable to the world around me. He would make it up with what he labeled as "fun", I put myself on the bed and laid down, my head creasing into the pillow.


"No," I whispered, Rhys got closer, "Don't make me do it please!" I yelled, hitting my lap.

"Hey," He grabbed my shoulders, making me look at him, "I'm not gunna make you do anything, I'll just carry both of the guns." His mix matched eyes brought me back to reality, he again wiped tears off of my cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"D-don't be." He rubbed both of my shoulders before standing back up, "we should get going before the dark phase comes." He helped me off of the couch and back into his arms.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and let both of my legs dangle, he opened the door and we soon stepped out into the dry and dusty desert. I felt the heat beat down on the both of us almost instantly, he made his was over to the vehicle quickly.

He opened the passenger side and placed me down on the seat, strapping me in tightly. He got in after and plopped down in his seat, but he didn't strap in this time, I gave him a weird look but he just turned up the radio and drove through the desert.

"Life could be dream, life could be dream."

I sighed, knowing this song as we drove over the bumps of the cracked up road. I remember learning about it in a music class I took back in high school, I smiled thinking of a more simple time before everything went downhill. I put my elbow down on the side of the window and stared out at the open desert, I tried to repress those other memories and think of the better times.

I suddenly felt the car jolt forward, luckily I was strapped in but Rhys hit his head off of the steering wheel, spitting out a few choice words before shaking his head. I looked out in front of us and saw a mangled mess sitting in front of the bumper, I turned back to Rhys and saw him begin to laugh.

"That's a skag." He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck, "he's dead now, they aren't too smart."

"No, I guess they aren't."

After driving around the dead animal, we arrived shortly at a small market with only one vehicle parked in the front, Rhys shut off the vehicle and raced to the other side. This time I finally got the straps off of my body before he opened the door, he looked at me definitely surprised. He picked me up and pulled me close to his body, closing the door and walking to the market.

"I don't feel comfortable, one shoe, no bra, no underwear..." I whispered towards him.

"It'll only take a few minutes, you'll be alright."

"Ok... I really hope it's quick."

"I would leave you in the car but it's hotter than usual and I don't want you dead."

His words stuck in my head as we walked into the small store, one person fanning themselves behind the counter. It wasn't any cooler in here so I don't blame them for feeling over heated, they looked at us strangely before Rhys show them a smile and continued through the store.

He sat me down on a small bench and walked around, picking up clothes, a pair of boots, even underwear and a bra. I turned away and looked at the mirror behind me, I looked worse than I thought.

My black eye stuck out like a soar thumb, the finger prints on my neck looked darker than I remembered. I looked like I was homeless, the t shirt draped over my shoulders but I still looked like a slob in it. I couldn't help that I was fat. Not like Hollywood fat, but like Melissa McCarthy fat, not that that's bad cause she's amazing. Being fat isn't bad, but I just couldn't get past all the bullying that centered around my weight when I was younger.

"Baby?" I heard Rhys interrupt my thoughts.

"W-what?" I turned around quickly and looked at him, he was holding a pile of clothing, "I can't try those on."

"Don't worry, you'll fit in them."

"Well, I wasn't doubting that, I was referring to my ankle."

"Oh," he placed the clothes down next to me, "I forgot... again."

"It's alright." I patted his shoulder.

He got down on his knees in front of me, pulling me right in for a hug. I felt his body basically engulf me, I was surprised since it was definitely out of the blue. We sat there in the small store all alone in an empty isle, he rubbed my back and just stayed there.

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