Part Twelve

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I jumped myself into a pair of jeans, I still wasn't used to the fact that I couldn't wear sweatpants or leggings everyday anymore just as casual wear. I pulled up the zipper and buttoned them, I slipped on my boots and zipped those up as well. My hair was still a bit damp from my shower but I still continued to get dressed, Rhys said he had plans for us today and that we'd finally be leaving the walls of this town again. It had been a while since we left, I smiled back on that day, when we first danced together after my leg had healed.

I closed my eyes and remembered the feeling of my cheek against his chest and the way his heartbeat pumped against my face, the way our hands were intertwined as we twirled around the small part of the dining room.

"You ready to go?" Rhys pulled me from my thoughts, I smiled turning around to look at him.

"Somehow you always look stunning every time I see you." He walked over to me and pulled me into his arms.

"So, where are we going?" I asked excitedly.

"Well, we're going to this place called the Rust Commons."

"Sounds... interesting." I shot him a smile.

"I'd say that it is pretty interesting, especially what I have planned."

"Now you've got me really excited."

We got into his vehicle, it became easier to strap myself in the seat, Rhys even said that one day he'd teach me how to drive one of these which made me super eager to learn how to do it exactly. I smiled.

I watched as we passed so many different landmarks, we passed different animals and people, some waved while others tried to chase down the vehicle... it wasn't too settling but Rhys drove away quickly.

We reached this large bridge but soon took a secretive turn and found ourselves by a small dam that was hidden by large rocks, there was a small building where I suspected the controls to the dam was. It was abandoned obviously, but we made our way over to the building.

Rhys turned off the vehicle and hopped out, I undid the straps and opened the door to Rhys's arms. I giggled as he set me down on the ground, I closed the door before I walked up to the building.

"We going in?" I asked, pointing at the door.

"We're going up." He smiled, moving my finger to the top of the roof.

"Uh... can I do that?"

"As long as you're careful," we approached a trash bin that would help us up, "you go first, I'll be right behind you."

I pulled myself up on the bin and stood up on my feet, I grabbed onto the ledge of the roof and tried to pull my body over the edge. I hooked my foot on a vent and pushed myself on the top, sliding against the top of the roof. I laid on my back, laughing at how hard that was exactly.

I stood up and looked down at Rhys, he was staring up at me, giving a small wave up to me. I waved back, he smiled before spinning his finger in a circle, I tilted my head as I was confused.

"Turn around." He yelled upwards.

I did so and saw a blanket set out with a small basket and of course a small radio, it looked so nice, I felt my heart race as he had done something like this just for me. I turned back around to see him waiting for me to notice him there, I smiled as I hugged him. It was perfect, a little strange seeing how remote it was, but still perfect.

We sat down on the blanket, looking out at the more lush area of this planet, I looked lovely in the blue tinted sky. I looked back at Rhys, he smiled with his mouth already full of food, I laughed as his cheeks puffed out. He handed me a sandwich that was packed in a plastic bag and a small paper cup, he poured dark red whine into it.

"How fancy." Laughed, lifting the cup up towards him.

"I know." He lifted his up as well and bumped it into mine.

I took a sip and placed it down next to me, I focused more on my sandwich, it was really good and I felt extremely hungry. The wine was good, don't get me wrong, I had at least three small cups of it, but that sandwich though.

I heard slow piano before Elvis began to sing once again, it's like he dominated this radio station. Rhys stood up, taking my hand and pulling me close to his chest once again.

He intertwined his hand with mine and wrapped his other arm around my waist like last time, this time I was a lot better at keeping up with him. We danced slowly with the music now, I really listened in to the lyrics and felt my heart swell up.

"Baby... can I tell you something?" He asked, whispering in my ear.

"Of course you can Rhys." I laid my head against his chest as we swayed to the music.

"I know you've only been here for about a month and I know I'm not too good at showing my feelings, but I'd like to let you know that I've had so much fun with you."

"It's felt so short, I'm surprised I've been keeping up."

"I'm surprised that I have as well, I usually don't make it this far."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I never get to tell the person I love, that I love them."

"O-oh." I felt my heart race, I squeezed his hand as we continued to sway in sync with the drums.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too."

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"For I can't help, falling in love with you."

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