The Scene with Mr. Flirtious

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Smash! Boom! Crash!

Wahahaha i lost count of how many clocks you already destroyed. Oh shut you inner me. What time is it? How should i know you just destroyed the clock. Hehe. Aargghh! *Sigh*

I got up on my bed and someone knocked on the door. Opened it and saw the butler.

"M'lady! Your hair? What happend and your eyes it changed!" The butler was shocked.

"Oh this? Dont worry yesterday it was just all a disguise. And dont tell this to the others. Okay? And what brings you here?" He nodded.

"M'lady. It's already 7am. And Mr. Collins will be here in an hour." I grabbed his pocket watch.

"Shit! You set the wrong time in the alarm Mr. Butler!" I yelled as i ran to the drawer to find dress.

"My apology M'Lady. You should punish me for my mistakes." The butler bowed.

"Are you an idiot? Idont punish people with that kind of mistakes. Just get your ass here and help me find a dress." I commanded.

We ransacked the drawer and finally found one. Since the guy invited me to their company i should like a fine lady. So i found lime green cocktail and paired with lime green ribbon high heels.

Wew. I look really girly in this things. I know right! It suits you. Thanks inner me.

"M'Lady. We should now put on your make up." He took out a brush on the mini cabinet. But before the brush touched my face i stopped him.

"Sorry Mr. Butler i dont put any make ups on my face." I smiled.

"I see. Then this should be it. You look a bride M'lady." I thanked him.

Hehaha! A bride! Eww i appreciate the compliment but ugh! A bride. Oh well at least i look pretty. Yeah goodluck though....rejecting him.


Mr. Flirtious arrived. So went down the stair and met him. He was on his Black Tuxedo. He held my hands and kissed it but not long a pulled my hands away.

"Sorry it was just awkward." I said.

"Dont worry princess. It wont be awkward as soon as i make you mine." He winked at me.

Eww. I know right! Eww. And he just called you princess.hahaha!! Ugh!i know. He better make me happy or im gonna walk out.

He grabbed my hands and we got inside his car. And he drove us to his company. It wasnt big like ours though. He opened my door and i went out. I put my hands on his arms and got inside their company.

Nothing unusual. Just like a normal company like the other company. He tour me and had a conversation about  4 and a half an hour. I was really hungry and he invited me to the mall and there we ate lunch. We were so full. After that we went shopping. He bought me girly things, shiny and bright things. I didnt really like it but i dont just turn down offers so whatever.

I took us 5 hours because i had to try the thing we bought, i mean he bought. So a waste of time. Then lastly we went to dinner in such fancy restaurant buy not as fancy as the Restaurant Le Mourice. There we had another conversation. After we finished eating a group of butlers sang on our table "Mary Me Song"

"I sorry but i cant take this anymore." I said as i stood up from my chair.

"Wait pls. Will you marry me." He grabbed my hand and knelt down.

"No, im sorry! I dont want to marry such boring guy." I said.

"Why you! I even bought you those expensive things!" He yelled and now everybody was staring at us. I was really embarrassed. I slapped him.

"Did you even asked me what i want, you bought it for yourself asshole." I threw a fork on the guy's phone that was now destroyed.

"If i ever dare see my face on some media. I swear i will hunt you until you disappear in this world." The others put down their phones. I gave my attention back to Ashley.

"Now Mr. Ashley . Dont worry i'll give you back your money. I dont need em." I took all the bags and walked out. I stopped a bus and headed to the mansion. Leaving the guy behind.

I arrived on the mansion. The butler opened the door for me asked him to put the bags on my room.

"How did it go lil sis?" He gave me a smile. I smiled back.

"It was terrible big bro!" Then he put down his happy face.

"Why? Did something happend?" He asked and pulled me to the living room to sit down.

"Well. It was at the dinner. He told me he want to marry but i said no. I walked out but then he stopped me and yelled that i should say yes because he bought me expensive things and everyone was staring at us. Then i slapped him and yelled back that he didnt even asked me what i want so i got upset and left him." It was already too late. I already crushed the glass on my hand. It was a bloody mess. The butler hurriedly cleaned my hand and wrapped it with bondage.

"Im sorry little sis! I didnt know this will happen. Im going to cancel the activity tomorrow with Mr. Ash." He said apologically to me.

"No! I m-mean no. Please. I want to continue it." I said. Doing a mental face palm.

"Are you sure lil sis?" He asked for reassurance. Then i nodded and blushed a bit. After that i went back to my room and threw myself in the bed.

Why did you disagreed? It would be more easier to cancel the date than reject it yah know. I dont know! It just came out from my mouth! And i dont know why!? Omg! Could it be!? You're falling inlove with Ash!! Ohh.. look shes already asleep. Well i'll just leave you with this. You really are going to have fun tomorrow. Gudluck knowing your feelings towards him darling.

Hehe sorry i got excited. Welp thats a spoiler. Hope you like it!! You're almost at the last chapter! Hope you like it!😉

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