83. You're Stalked - Calum

Start from the beginning

"Y/N! You're here! Can you do me a favor and grab like as many towels as you can carry?" Calum asked as soon as you stepped in the door.

"Towels? Why do you need so many towels?" You frowned a little in confusion as you closed the door behind you.

"There was an incident..." Calum trailed off, "it included most of a jar of mayo and half a gallon of orange juice."

You raised your eyebrows and couldn't decide whether to laugh or be horrified by whatever that could mean.

"HURRY UP CALUM! MY WET JEANS ARE CHAFING!" Michael screamed from the other room.

"I'll go grab those towels," you dropped your bag and ran to the linen closet.

You grabbed as many full sized towels as you could hold, and then carefully returned to Calum since you couldn't see over the giant pile.

"Here," you said, handing them over.

"Thanks," your brother took them and ran back in the direction of the loud swearing.

"GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CHAFED LEGS MICHAEL!" You yelled, wincing a little in sympathy as you picked your bag back up.

"I'LL BE OKAY... I THINK!" Michael didn't sound so sure, but you really didn't want to find out what was going on in there, so you just walked back up the stairs and into your room.

With all four of the giant and scary looking boys below you, you were far less on edge than you usually were at night, and didn't even think twice when it came time to go to sleep. You just slipped into some comfortable clothes and shut the lights off.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

You crinkled your nose and rolled over.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Whatever the noise was, it wasn't stopping. You groaned a little and sat up. Peeling open your tired eyes, you glanced over at your alarm clock and saw that it was one in the morning. Somewhere below you there was the soft strumming of guitar and the whole house smelled like pizza. This was one of the more pleasant experiences you've had waking up while all of the boys were staying over.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

There was the annoying noise again. But now that you were more awake, you could tell that it was coming from your bedroom window.

The blinds were drawn, but you figured it was just a tree branch that was being blown up against it, that had happened before.

You were ready to dismiss it when you came to a startling realization. You couldn't hear any wind blowing at all. Usually it took a storm or at least a noticeable gust of air to make that noise. But the outside world seemed calm.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Your blood ran cold. If it wasn't your tree, what was it? You thought about calling Calum up, but you'd just be the girl that cried wolf, he hadn't believed you before, and there was no way that he was going to walk all of the way up here just to peek behind your blinds for you.

So you mustered up any courage that you had, and reached for the end of the fabric. Once you had a firm grip on it, you took in a deep breath and then quickly pulled it away.

On the other side of the window there was someone dressed in all black, poking at the window with their finger.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

They did it again as soon as they saw you. You couldn't see a face due to their hoodie and the new moon outside, and their hand was gloved which prevented any fingerprints.

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