73. You're On Your Period And All The Boys Are Around - Luke

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Part 3/4

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I haven't really done any group chat imagines so here y'all go

I like the mall, I just don't like talking to the checkout people 😬 I'm too awkward for that 😂

You sat up and sighed, yawning a little as you stretched your arms over your head. You had just enjoyed a very satisfying catnap. You had stayed up far too late the night before and had felt dead all day, but you were finally beginning to feel a bit better.

Then you stood up.

You swung your legs over the edge of the couch and planted your feet firmly on the ground. Only when you shifted your weight and finally stood upright there was an unfortunate gush of liquid. You tensed up and frowned. Either you had just peed a little or you had started your period. Then your lower abdomen throbbed, making you groan and keel over. Period it was.

Still slightly bent over from the pain caused by the cramp, you limped to your room and changed. Then you walked into the bathroom, looking for your feminine hygiene products. But when you opened the cupboard they were normally kept in, you saw that it was empty. No tampons, no pads, no nothing. You stared at the empty spot in disbelief. You could have sworn that it had been fully restocked only a few weeks ago.

Just to be completely sure that someone hadn't moved them or anything, you ripped apart the bathroom. You pulled open all of the cabinets and drawers, looking for something, anything you could use.

There was nothing, it was all gone.

So you ended back where you started, staring into your empty cabinet, foolishly trying to wish yourself a box of pads.

That's when you noticed the sticky note. It had been pressed onto the ceiling which made it hard for you to spot, but sure enough when you reached in and plucked it off the top, it was there. You pulled it back into the light so that you could read it properly.

"Y/N, if you're reading this right now we decided to do an experiment and forgot to buy you more lady stuff.

- totally not Luke or Calum, or Ashton or the hot one"

You rolled your eyes at there stupidity. It was one thing to take a bunch of your hygiene products for an, 'experiment', but to not replace them after was downright rude.

You were going to give them a piece of your mind. You wished that you could do it in person but it was a rushed situation as it was and they were all out hanging at Michael's house for the day.

So you pulled up the group chat that you all were included in, and not so politely requested for them to replace what they had taken.


The response was almost immediate.

It was in the name of science. Besides, I swear we bought you more

You scoffed, you were almost positive that whatever they had done had no solid scientific inquiry at its core. It was far more likely they had done something stupid. Then to make it even worse they had forgotten to replenish your stock.

Nope, you told me, I told Calum, Calum told Luke, Luke told you... you get it

You didn't even bother responding to that, instead you asked the question that you inevitably didn't want the answer to.

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