57. Rebellion - Michael

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Things were going down fast. It was horrifying. You didn't know how they got to where they were, but you weren't sure that anything would ever be the same again. You were completely disgusted by what was in front of you, and it was all Michael's fault. Something was wrong with him, something awful.

So what was it? A pizza.

Not just any pizza, no this abomination was something straight out of a horror film. When Michael had first called you down the stairs, telling you that he had ordered some pizza for dinner you were ecstatic. You ran down into the kitchen, fully prepared to accept your favorite meal with open arms, and an open mouth. You nearly shoved Michael out of the way to get into the stack of boxes he had just set down on the counter. With your precious pizza finally in reach, you wasted no time to reach down and pop open the lid on the box. That's when everything stopped being so great.

The smell hit you first. It was both sweet and fishy with a hint of onion, a rather disgusting combo. Gathering your courage to glance down, your stomach flipped as it took in what it was Michael had ordered. Pineapple and anchovy pizza that was absolutely covered in onion. Gross. Your wish for an edible dinner was out the window. No way you were going to eat that. Nuh uh, not in a million years.

"Y/N, are you going to grab some or not? Some of us here actually want to eat dinner," Michael said playfully.

"Uh..." you cringed at the idea of eating that awful concoction.

"You're so close-minded," he sighed, bumping you out of the way with his hip. You stumbled to the side but Michael didn't look your way, instead grabbed a plate and began to serve himself, "really, you should be willing to try more than just what you're used to, might find out you like something you had previously thought was gross." He lifted a few slices out of the box and onto his plate. You watched in horrified fascination as he lifted one up and took a large bite out of it. "I mean how do you think I came to find my love of pineapple, onion, anchovy pizza? Trying it."

"I think I'll pass," you said dryly, "did you get anything more... standard?" You looked at the other unopened boxes with hope, hope that Michael hadn't ordered five boxes of that stuff.

"Nope alllll POA pizza," he grinned, taking another huge bite.

"Why so much? Why'd you have to play me like that?" You slouched back into the wall.

"Because Luke, Calum, and Ashton are supposed to be over any minute so I ordered them some too," he explained.

His reasoning only raised more questions on your part, "do they live 'POA pizza'?" You raised an eyebrow. Michael could be eccentric at times, but you couldn't imagine that Luke would even want to be in the same room as an anchovy.

"No," he admitted, "but I'm sure they're more open minded than you are."

You seriously doubted that, "sure," you rolled your eyes.

"Don't sass me-" Michael was about to lecture you, but you were saved by the bell, the doorbell that is. Your brothers band mates had arrived, and not a second too soon. Maybe they could succeed where you failed and talk some sense into Michael.

Speaking of Michael, he shoved maybe half a slice of his pizza into his mouth before sprinting off to open the door. They had their luck cut out for them.

"Hey!" Ashton greeted your brother as he entered. You walked down the hallway to watch as they came in.

"¡Hola!" Calum was the best inside.

"What's that smell?" Luke staggered in behind the other two, pinching his nostrils shut with his index finger and thumb.

"That's a weird greeting," Michael laughed a little.

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