65. You Surprise Him On Tour - Michael

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Part 4/4

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Next chapter is, "You Get Suspended/Expelled"

I don't WANNA go back to school tomorrow 😒
(Today since I took forever to write this)


Everyday is a party when you're a Clifford. I mean there's generally just a lot of junk food around, good music, and even better friends. Unfortunately the life of the party, Michael, wasn't really around.

Why? Because he was living the dream out on tour. He was seeing the world and doing what he always wanted to. You were happy for him, but it also really sucked sometimes.

You can't hug someone who's thousands of miles away, you can't hide behind them during the scary part of a movie, or lean on your shoulder when your sad. You can no longer talk to him whenever you want and sometimes he wasn't available to give you advice when you really needed it. You had to share your brother with all of his fans.

Some things didn't change though. For example, you could still beat his butt at Call of Duty. He had a PS4 on the bus and you had one in the living room. Just about weekly the two of you would play against each other, and often it was the highlight of your week.

So when you got a text from Michael's phone that he wanted to play, you put down your homework and picked up the controller. You could do that later, Michael wouldn't be there later.

You slipped on your headset as you opened the game.

"Hey Mikey," you said, waiting for him to come on to respond.

"Hi Y/N!" A voice that was definitely not Michael said. It may not have been your brothers, but you still recognized it. It was Luke.

"Luke? Why do you have Michael's phone? And why are you on his PS4?" You asked, pausing your movements.

"Well I just got permission and I really really really want to tell you right now. Michael's phone is charging so I sent you a quick text before he went to check on it. I told him that I was taking a nap in here and that if he came in I'd kick him in the balls," Luke responded quickly. It felt like his answer raised more questions than it answered.

"Okay... got permission for what exactly?" You cleared your throat. You hoped that it wasn't something weird. Luke was known for weird stuff.

"I got permission for..." he paused dramatically.

You sighed into the microphone.

"Hmph," he said, you could hear the irritation in your voice, "fine Darth Vader maybe I won't invite you on tour."

"Wait what?" You froze. Tour? He wanted you to go on tour?

"But nooooo you're all like, 'huhhhhhhhhh'," he blew air right into the microphone, making you flinch back.

"Fine I'm sorry Luke I wouldn't have sasses you if I knew that you were going to give me something that I wanted," you said cheekily.

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