Chapter 51

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"Tiana help your cousin pull that bird out the oven," Granny yelled, referencing the turkey that needed to come out of the oven.

I laughed as Tiana helped me pull the turkey out of the oven. "Grandma it's called a turkey."

Granny shrugged her shoulders. "I don't give a damn what you call it. Just stick that thermometer in that turkey."

Tiana rolled her eyes and did as Granny said. "Grandma you know I hate cooking. I'd rather be up in the front with the guys."

"No grand daughter of mine is going to be hanging around men drinking beer and eating fish sandwiches. You and your cousin both need to learn how to cook. Y'all know I'm not getting any younger, so y'all better learn from me now before I die," Granny explained. Tiana rolled her eyes and continued helping out with the cooking before everybody got here.

"I'm gonna go change into my clothes," I said, removing the apron from around my waist.

"Alright. Just hurry back before your cousin burns up all of the food," Granny said as I quickly walked out of the kitchen but I took a detour to the living room where Marlon and Effrin were at with Victoria. I knew the only reason Tiana wanted to be up here was to be around Marlon. I don't know why the two of them just won't get together. We all know they got something going on.

"Y'all alright," I asked, walking into the living room that was now clean from this morning.

After helping Victoria open up all of her presents from me, Effrin and other friends and family members we had an entire living room filled with her things. We had just got everything moved on to the deck for now, even though somethings are still sitting around the tree like the bouncer Effrin and I got for her, the huge Barbie Corvette Marlon bought for her, which she wasn't going to be able to use for another year or so, and the mini jungle gym Effrin's Mama bought for her.

"Yeah. I got you something. It's under the tree," Marlon smiled.

"Thanks Marlon. Your gift is under the tree too but I'm going upstairs to get dressed. If y'all need something just go talk to Granny or T, your girlfriend," I teased Marlon.

He waved me off as I practically ran upstairs to my bedroom to change clothes. Effrin and I weren't sharing a room anymore. I was across the hall from Victoria and Effrin was next door to my room. The only reason it took the two of us so long to get separate rooms was because of Victoria. We wanted her to be near us in case something happened to her but now she's right in between the both of us so if anything happens we can both easily get to her.

I pulled off the t shirt and jogging pants I had on before I began putting on my other outfit. I pulled up the black stockings I had laid out and reached for the wine colored dress I was gonna wear tonight when somebody knocked on the door. "Who is it," I yelled, trying to get the zipper down on the dress.


"Come in." I heard the door open and close before he took a seat on my bed, watching me struggle to get the dress on. "What's up," I asked, pulling the dress up over my shoulders.

"I wanted to talk to you about last night."

I sighed and stood in front of him. "Consider it forgotten. Could you zip me up?"

Effrin stood behind me and pulled the zipper up on my dress. "Still can't zip your own dresses up I see," he said, turning me around.

"I'm working on it."

He smiled and shook his head before looking down at my dress. "You look beautiful."

I smiled and couldn't help but blush since it was the first compliment he's thrown my way in weeks. "Thank you Effrin."

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now