Chapter 48

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It was three days until Christmas and so far things have been pretty quiet around Compton. The fighting Effrin and I had been doing wasn't really going on lately. Everyday he'd go out to the trap and come home smelling like weed and the same cheap ass perfume but I just kept it to myself like I didn't smell it. We weren't together anymore, so what he was doing should be none of my concern.

I had been seeing Mona more and more lately as well. I had really been trying to better myself, seeing as though I'm only sleeping with Marcus, who isn't going to start working with Effrin until the beginning of the new year. "Sincere! I'm about to leave," Effrin yelled to me as I pulled Victoria's pants up on her legs.

"Alright! I'm coming!"

I grabbed her diaper bag, my purse, put her in her car seat and walked down the steps to see Effrin standing near the front door. "Where are you headed to," he asked as he held open the front door for me as I walked through with Victoria.

"Lunch with a friend."

Trey had called me up the other day about going to lunch. We didn't get a chance to talk with each other a few months ago about meeting up to hang out after our first meeting at the club since he was so busy with basketball but now that the season is over, until February, he finally has time for me.

I buckled Victoria up in the car and let Effrin tell her goodbye. He kissed her face since she was still asleep and then he turned around to me. "What friend are you having lunch with? Dawn and Charmaine?"

I shook my head. "His name is Trey."

"Who's that," he asked.

"A friend of mine, look don't worry about it Effrin. Just go to work please."

He smacked his lips. "Whatever. I'm leaving."

He pulled his keys out of his pocket and was on his way to his car when I started speaking again. "Effrin," I asked.

He turned around. "What's up?"

I bit my lip, knowing I was going to hate myself for allowing this to go on but if I was seeing other people and he was too, it would only be nice to invite his mistress over for Christmas dinner. Trey was coming too and Mona taught me to let go, so that's what I'm doing. I'm letting go of me and Effrin's past, that's obviously not going to happen again, and I'm going to respect who ever this girl was and allow her to come over my house for dinner.

"You can invite what ever woman it is you're seeing over for Christmas dinner."

"Huh," he asked, walking towards me.

"You don't have to hide or lie about the woman you're seeing. You can have her over for Christmas dinner."

He sighed and shook his head. "It's not what you think Sincere."

"I smell the perfume on you everyday. I know you're with some woman, you don't have to hide it. Just invite her over," I replied.

"Nah, I don't think she's ready to be around the family yet plus we're not even together."

"So, you're just having casual sex with her," I asked.

He shook his head. "Nah it's just...never mind ma. I'll see about her coming around but I'm sure she'll already have plans for Christmas. I'll see you tonight."

I nodded my head and watched as he climbed into his car. I climbed into my Range Rover and backed out of the driveway, with Effrin going in the opposite direction as me. "Where the fuck is he going," I mumbled, continuing to glance in the rear view mirror. The trap house was in the other direction, so where was this nigga going?


Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now