Chapter 14

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"Dumb ass bitch," I mumbled, laying my cell phone on the kitchen counter.

Candace really had some nerve calling my nerve like she been fucking with me since day one, when in all actuality she was still stuck on Effrin and it honestly was sad. She was stuck on him after she broke his heart, killed off his baby and broke up with him when he needed her the most. I piled the spaghetti up on the two plates and walked around the house to the living room, where Effrin and Marlon were sitting watching a basketball game.

"Damn Sin, you in the way!" Effrin said, pushing me out of his way.

I pushed him. "Don't have me fuck your other arm up. Take y'all's plates and y'all better say thank you, too." I said as I handed Marlon his plate.

He looked up at me and smiled as he grabbed it. "Thanks beautiful but you know you too fine to be cooking for this clown."

"This clown's about to have four bullet holes in your chest though," Effrin said, reaching for his cell phone.

Marlon shook his head and started eating. "Put ya phone away, homie. We all know you ain't gon' do shit to me so stop threatening it like you are," he replied.

Effrin smacked his lips. "Man get the fuck out of my house, B. You always sitting up in here like you ain't got shit to do."

Marlon smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Man I ain't got shit to do besides ya girl but she ain't letting me hit," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "First of all I'm not his girl and second of all I'm not letting you hit 'cause you too young. I'm not trying to catch a case," I replied.

"So, you telling me if I was older you'd let me hit?"

"Not even then," I said, walking out of the living room.

"Thanks babe!"

I turned around and smiled at Effrin when he said that. "You're welcome."

I walked out of the living room, smiling. These past three weeks here with Effrin and Marlon have been amazing. Marlon practically lives here, when he's not out clubbing or partying, but things have been going perfectly. Effrin and I workout daily, without any complaints and he doesn't fight me anymore, nor do I fight him. I learned to give into these feelings he was talking about but still didn't want to fully commit myself to him, even though I already feel like I have. It's like we're back together again, only sleeping in separate beds, that is when we aren't sleeping together, which is extremely rare.

Me putting my foot down for Effrin wasn't enough because once we slept together that first time and had shower sex the second time, I couldn't see to get him or his dick out of my mind. It's like once I get a taste of him I can't stop myself from coming back. Even though his arm is messed, up he still puts it down like he's got two good arms and it feels better than before.

I walked upstairs, stripping my clothes away, throwing them all over Effrin's bedroom as I walked into the bathroom, nude. I turned on the hot water to run my bath water and turned to the mirror, pulling my hair up into a bun. I turned around in the mirror, admiring my body and how many scratch marks I had on it all because of Effrin.

It wasn't because of the two of us had been fighting again, actually it was because of the love we had been making lately. Fighting, arguments and disagreements were the last things on our minds, since we haven't had any since I started helping him out. We had actually been getting along these past couple of weeks, which was strange for the two of us.

I walked out of the bathroom, as my water continued running, and into my closet. My eyes scanned the entire closet from head to toe, in search of something to put on. I wasn't going out and I didn't plan on having to go out any time soon. The two of us haven't been out since I came to help him mainly because the two of us had been so busy but we do plan on going out to Jason's party this weekend. I don't know what the purpose of the party was but I only agreed since Effrin was going and I needed to help him out since he was disabled.

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now