Chapter 27

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I took a deep breath and laid back against the hospital bed as I watched the nurses clean up Victoria, who was hysterically crying. "I wanna hold her first," Quincy said, walking over to the nurses and taking Victoria out of their hands. The nurses said I could only have one other person in here with me, and as much as I wanted it to be Effrin, he couldn't be here so I had Quincy stay here with me.

"Who does she look like?" I asked Quincy as he sat down in the chair that was next to my bed.

"Like the both of y'all, she's got your freckles though."

I smiled. "I wanna hold her Quincy," I said, reaching out for her.

I grabbed her out of his hands, supporting her head and I couldn't help but start crying. Victoria was beautiful, way beautiful than I imagined her to be. She looked just like me, but then she looked exactly like Effrin too. Carrying something from the both of us, she was the perfect mixture of her two parents. She was a mixture of Effrin's caramel color skin and my bright, high yellow skin. She had Effrin's smile, my freckles and beautiful greenish brown eyes, just like me and a head full of hair to match the rest of her beauty.

I sniffed and quickly wiped my tears. "She's so beautiful Quincy."

"I know. I'm surprised she came out of you, too," he laughed.

I smacked my lips and kept starring down into her eyes. "I think she got all of this pretty hair from you, Q."

Quincy leaned over me and looked down at Victoria, taking in her hair that was dark and curly just like his. "Nah that's Dad's hair, right there," he said, pointing to her hair. "Dad had that nice hair, that he gave to me but you got Mama's nappy hair," he laughed.

I laughed. "Shut up Quincy, my hair isn't that bad." I grabbed Victoria's hand and rocked her, so she would stop whimpering. By the time Quincy had picked her up before she stopped crying but was still whimpering.

I kissed her nose and her cheeks. She's just so beautiful. It still shocks me to this day that I can have kids, after years of a doctor telling me that I couldn't, for no reason at all but now? I carried a healthy baby for nine months, went through no complications and she came out healthy and beautiful and I'm thankful for that.

After the doctor's cleaned me up and took Victoria away for her shots, Quincy and I sat there in my hospital room, with everybody else from the shower, just around the room waiting on Victoria to get back. "You feeling okay?" Mama asked, walking over to my bed.

"I feel fine. I just want the doctor's to bring her back. She's so pretty Mama."

"Well I wanna get to hold her first," she said, smiling.

I nodded my head and looked down at my fingers in my lap. I don't know what it was. There was something up with her, Monroe and Lynn. The three of them had just suddenly flipped and were being nice to me, like they haven't treated me like shit for most of my life but I wasn't going to complain. I just kept my distance.

The nurses came back a few minutes later, carrying Victoria and everybody bombarded her, trying to get a look at how she looked. The nurse laughed. "I need to get over to the Mother," she said, pushing through everybody. She handed Victoria to my Mama and pulled the birth certificate out of her jacket. "Is the father present?" she asked, handing me a pen.

I shook my head, no. "Not right now but he'll be around in the next few months to sign the birth certificate." I smiled as I looked down at the birth certificate.

Victoria Sincere McDonald

Born, January 5th

6 pounds, 9 ounces

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now