Chapter 28

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I spit out blood on Harlem's clean white carpet as he punched me in the face again, trying to get information on Sincere and Effrin's whereabouts. I haven't told them shit all of this time they've had me here. It's been weeks since they kidnapped me and by now I was expecting somebody to come find me but they haven't, maybe they just don't give a damn.

"Okay. Since you won't tell us where they are, tell us who killed Russel then," Harlem said, pulling a chair up in front of me.

"Man, I-I don't know who Russel is."

"Sincere's ex boyfriend, who turned up dead in his house with his girlfriend. I know your cousin, King's, got something to do with it."

"Then if you know, stop asking me. I didn't do shit to nobody!" I yelled, trying to pull myself out of the ropes my body was tied up in but I knew it was no use. No matter how hard I pulled and struggled to get out of these ropes I couldn't. I've been trying for the past few weeks and nothing has seemed to get me out of these ropes.

Harlem shook his head, laughing, "See, I would have just killed you weeks ago but you're an asset now. I need you to be here in order to get King to pay me a little visit but word around the street is that Sincere finally had the baby. Now, ain't that something else?" He smirked. "Maybe I could kill you off, take that damn baby and that'll really get Effrin to come down here."

I spit out more blood on his carpet. "You're not going to trick King. He knows he could take you down."

Harlem sarcastically laughed and shook his head. "Now, look at you standing up for your big cousin, being another one of his bitches that flock around him."

I couldn't help but laugh, even though my face was sore from all of the beating they had done to me. "Man, why are you such a hater?" I asked him, not caring if he had called me a bitch. The bitch is somebody who would have snitched before they could even see two months in their kidnapper's house. A bitch is somebody who kidnaps an innocent person, possibly even a baby, and hold's them against their will all because he wanted to get his dick wet years ago. That's a bitch and I'm far from any of that.

Harlem spit in my direction but I dodged it. "Ain't nobody a hater, just somebody who's tired of seeing that nigga King on the top when I know it should be me."

I nodded my head, pretending to agree with his crazy idea. That was a hater, and Harlem hated the fact that he wasn't on top anymore, Effrin was and he was M.I.A. Harlem wasn't shit and I don't know how much longer it's going to take him to realize that, that's all he is.

Harlem sat back in his seat starring at me, probably wondering what to do with my body next until Candy came downstairs, carrying a knife in her hand. "What's going on down here?" she asked, walking over to us, standing in front of me with the knife in her hands, that was showing her reflection.

Harlem shook his head and just continued to watch me. "Nothing, just a little bitch that's going to get taught a lesson for not giving me the information I need."

Harlem grabbed the knife out of Candy's hands and made a run for me, purposely cutting up and stabbing my body with the knife until I told him the spin on what I wanted the truth to be. No matter how much they torture me, I'll never rat out my cousin. Effrin and I might not get all the time and we fight and bicker about some of the smallest things but I wouldn't put him and his family in jeopardy.


"Where are y'all going?" I asked Harlem and Candy who were packing bags.

Three days later, they still had me tied up, barely feeding me, so this was really starting to get old. I've been tied up here with them for over almost two months and nothing has happened. I was expecting somebody to come and find me but I guess they still haven't realized I was gone. I took a sharp breath, just picturing everybody living there lives, forgetting about me.

"We're taking a trip down to Tahiti to visit your cousin, his little bitch and that baby they had," Candy replied.

I nodded my head, just going along with things. I just told them that Sincere and Effrin were down in Tahiti, just to add to my lie and buy myself some more time to be able to get out of here. I mean, at first they didn't believe me but it kind of made sense, since they did go down there before. I told them they went down to Tahiti after she had the baby to protect their family.

"I hope King kill's y'all," I mumbled, causing the both of them to stop packing and look at me.

"What the hell did you just say?" Harlem asked, walking over to me, trying to pull out the gun that was stuffed in his pants. When he finally got it out, he placed the barrel on my forehead. "What was that?"

I sighed and moved my head. "Nothing man."

He smirked. "Yeah, that's what I thought," he retorted as he placed the gun back in his pants before turning to finish packing his suitcase. "Bye, we'll be back in a couple of weeks!" Harlem said as he walked up the steps.

"A few weeks!? What am I supposed to eat!?" I yelled but I was too late.

Harlem had gone and Candy was on her way up the steps too before turning around and rushing over to me. She placed something under my leg and put her finger up against her lips. "Wait 20 minutes and use it," she whispered, pointing under my leg.

"CANDY!" I heard Harlem yelled from upstairs.

"I'm coming! I just had to put the little bitch in his place!" she yelled before lowering her voice. "I hate that you're tied up in here and you haven't done anything. I'm sorry about this." I twisted up my face confused as she swung back and decked me across the face.

"Fuck," I mumbled, trying to wipe the blood from my busted lip on my torn t shirt.

"Sorry," she whispered before running up the stairs with her things.

When I heard her lock the front door, I moved my leg over and saw the knife she had placed under it. A huge smile grew on my face as I scooted it closer to my hands with my leg. Now was my chance to break free from this place that I've been held hostage in for almost two months and go find Effrin or Sincere.

When I heard Harlem's car pull out of the driveway, I went to work cutting on the thick ropes. I pulled and snagged and cut the ropes until I was finally able to break free from them. When my hands were out of the ropes I moved them around for the first time in months. I then went to work on the ropes on my waist that were connecting me to the dinning room table. Before I knew it I was free. I jumped to my feet, trying to hold myself up as I walked through the house looking for money and food.

I found myself in the kitchen and ransacked the fridge, that was filled with all kinds of food. I didn't care what it was or how badly it tasted, I just stuffed it in my mouth. I walked through the house, looking for the place where I knew Harlem kept his money. I busted into each room of the house, looking through each and every inch of the room, only coming across 30 dollars and some change. I sighed. It wasn't enough, but it was enough to get me to the jail where Effrin was at.

I sat around and waited extra time like Candy told me, knowing 20 minutes had already passed. I don't know what it was about her. She was cool, I guess. She only acted crazy around Harlem but when he wasn't around she talked to me about everything going on with her and I talked to her. She always gave me extra food and water and made sure I was clean but then she'd quickly flip the script for Harlem. Sometimes I don't know if she was helping me or slowly killing me.

When I started to get anxious about going outside, I did the unthinkable. I put my hands together and closed my eyes, praying. "God, please don't let me die," I whispered. I knew the doors were locked so the only way out was through the window. I walked back and made a run for the window, breaking through it. I put my arms in front of me, trying to block my face from getting cut but it was no use. Every part of my body ended up getting scratched but it was all good since I finally got out of here.

I dusted the pieces of broken glass off of my body as I made a run for it, never looking back at that place. I hopped on the nearest bus that would help me get closer to Fresno, where I knew Sincere was at. I know it was no good going to Effrin because then I'd just waste the little money I did have left. Going to Sincere first, for money and a place to stay was the best option, then I'd get to Effrin and tell him what's going on.

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now