Chapter 37

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I laughed and gave Jason some dap. "Hell yeah. You know how Sin is, don't pay her no mind 'cause I don't," I replied, taking a long drag on the joint in between my fingers.

It's been hours since that last encounter I've had with Sincere about her cheating but I guess I finally put her in her place this time. She hasn't come out of my sound proof office yet. So whatever it is she's doing in there, we can't hear but I honestly don't care.

She's always trying to start some stupid shit for no reason at all. All I'm trying to do here is provide for my family but she's always trying to make a scene. I hate yelling at her but she just doesn't understand until I start yelling or putting my hands on her. It's like she gets amusement out of making me angry and seeing my anger. I swear she does some shit on purpose though just to see a reaction.

"I know you don't pay her no mind and neither do I. You know how the whole Dawn situation is. I just don't like talking about it or people tryna get all up in my business. Maybe it was the wrong time to bring it up but damn...," he trailed off, not being able to put his words into thought but I knew exactly what he meant and what he was going through.

Dawn went out of town for a couple of weeks to go to a funeral and visit her family, and while she was gone for almost a month, Jason got lonely and slept with a few other girls. He fucked up badly but Dawn fucked him up when she found out about the girls and the baby he's got coming. Of course, she broke up with him and I know Jason feels bad but he needs to give it some time. That's all it takes. I left Sincere for like a year, it was hell for the both of us, but just like right now, we needed space. You can't try to fix anything until you get some space from each other.

"You know you just need to give it some time."

"How much time man? It's been a month and a half," he replied, putting his head in his hands.

I sighed. "I don't know, when you think it's been enough time just go talk to her."

"She probably got another man Effrin. She ain't gon' stay singe for long, I know she ain't," he mumbled, wiping his face with his hands before he stood up. "I'm gonna check on Sincere. I don't want her to think I hate her or nothin', I was just blowing off steam."

I nodded my head as he walked to the back where my office was at. I turned around and watched as Jason walked into the office. He stood at the door as his eyes got wide, just looking around the room. "What's up man?" I asked, getting off of the couch.

He slowly closed the door and turned to me. "Sin's gone. The office is trashed and the window is busted out."

I quickly jumped up from the couch and walked back to my office. "What? She can't be gone." I handed him my joint and pushed my way through the door of my office. All of my things were thrown all over the place, the window was broken and Sincere was gone. I put my head in my hands and paced back and forth across the room, cursing.

I didn't know what else to do at this point but curse myself for being so stupid to never check up on her hours ago or to just let her out of my sight. I sighed and walked over to the broken window. I leaned out of it and just looked around like I was really going to get some evidence about where Sincere was until I saw the note sitting outside of the window. I leaned down further, not caring how much broken glass was scraping up my body. I grabbed the note and turned back to Jason.

"What's that?" Jason asked.

"Some stupid shit from Harlem and Candy, probably," I mumbled, opening up the paper.

"You shouldn't have left pretty little Sincere just sitting around somewhere. We've got her now and there's no luck in finding her. Once we use her and kill her off, we're coming back for you and that damn baby of y'all's and maybe even the rest of your family, too. I hope you rot in hell for all of the shit you've put us through Effrin."

I looked up at Jason before I threw the letter down on the ground. "Let's head out bro," I said, grabbing the joint out of his hands. "Tell everybody to get they shit 'cause it's time."

Jason nodded his head as I walked out of the trap house, feeling so fucked up about things. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that Harlem and Candy will be back by Friday source. I should have been on my P's & Q's about this, not busy fighting with Sincere.

I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel as I waited for the crew to come out of the house when I started thinking about Tori and my Mama and what kind of danger they were in. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called my Mama.

"Hey baby," she answered the phone.

I could hear cartoons playing in the background and Tori making random noises along with show. "Hey Mama, y'all alright?"

"Yeah we're good. What's wrong?"

I sighed. "Nothing, just don't answer the door for nobody Mama. A'ight?"

"Okay can you tell me what's going on?" she asked.

"Nah I can't, just don't open up the door or let Tori out of your sight. I gotta go find Sincere."

"Find her? What the hell happened to her?"

"Some dumb niggas done took her Mama."

"Who? Crazy ass Antoine?" she asked.

"Yeah just be safe for me and I'll call you later but I need you to keep Tori for awhile."

"Of course baby. Don't get yourself killed," she sighed.

"I won't, love you Mama. Tell Tori I love her too."

"Love you too baby and I promise I will," she said, hanging up.

I sighed and let the crew get into my car. Some piled into my car, others went to the other cars. I pulled off from the trap house, with everybody else following behind me, and made my way over to the house on Washington where I knew they had Sincere at.

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