Chapter 7

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Three months later, I swung my front door open and Effrin stood in front of me. He had disappeared for awhile, but he looked normal, more normal than his usual addicted self. I don't know what he did to get himself back to normal, but I guess I'm glad he did it.

"Sincere I need to talk to you," he said to me.

I folded my arms and blocked my entrance way so he couldn't come in. "No, don't you need to be shooting up some where?" I asked, still beyond pissed when he left me months ago when all I was trying to do was help him and now he's got that bitch pregnant.

He sighed. "Didn't you notice that I disappeared for awhile?" he asked, smiling.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't really pay much attention to your presence. I just assumed that you were probably dead after mixing too many different drugs in your system."

He shook his head. "Can I come in so we could talk?"

"No, stay here and talk to me," I replied.

"A'ight, well I disappeared for some time because I was getting help. My niggas and what you were saying really got to me a couple of months ago and I checked myself into rehab. I was there for two months and I feel better."

It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I've been trying so hard to hate Effrin for the past few months for leaving, when in all actuality he was getting help. "Well that's good for you."

He smiled and reached out for my hand but I quickly backed away. He sighed. "I'm clean Sincere, I promise. I won't hurt you this time." I took a deep breath and let him gently grab on to my arm, like how he used to. He wrapped his hands around my arm. "You feel that?" he asked, smiling.

"Feel what?" I asked, extremely confused.

He smiled even harder. "You don't feel nothing, right?" I nodded my head. "The shaking is gone," he finally said.

I nodded my head, again. "Yeah. That's good Effrin."

He sighed and let go of my arm. "So, could I come in? You know I'm clean, so I'm not going to try anything crazy no more. I know you with that guy and I'm still trying to respect that but someday I will."

"That's good," I mumbled.

"Is that the only thing you can say to me? I know I fucked up big time but I've got some stuff to talk about. You the only person who would always listen to me and I just need somebody to listen to me. Please?" he asked, grabbing my hand.

I sighed. "Just to talk Effrin and nothing more, alright?"

He nodded his head. "Of course."

I moved over letting him inside of my house, putting aside my pride. I didn't want to let Effrin in because I knew Quan would be mad but hopefully he doesn't try anything crazy now. But this is actually a bad idea. Quan was most likely on his way over here from work right now and Effrin is the last thing he needs to see when he comes over here. I mean, we just got back on the right track a few months ago and I don't need anything messing up our relationship anymore, especially Effrin and his antics. Effrin was half way inside of the house when I stopped him.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I have a better idea, how about the two of us just sit outside on the porch? It's a beautiful day outside."

He sighed and shook his head as we walked back outside to the front porch. "A'ight I get it. You still don't trust me but it's okay."

I followed him outside, sitting down in the only chair out there as he leaned against the railing. "So what do you need to talk about?" I asked as he looked out at the street, with his back turned to me.

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