Chapter 35

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After taking Effrin to his parole officer, we dropped Victoria off at his Mama's house and went over to the trap house to discuss business. Particularly business about taking down Harlem and Candy. I didn't want to leave Victoria with anybody, even if it was Effrin's Mama, but I knew we had to go over to the trap and talk over things before Harlem and Candy got back and I didn't want Victoria at the trap house, ever.

I sat next to Effrin at his desk in his office while Jason rounded up all of the people. Effrin took a drag on the swisher that was between his fingers and turned to me. "Now last time the two of us were here we got into it. Could you listen to me this time so we could get our business handled? You can save all of that extra shit for when we get back to your Moms."

I nodded my head, showing him that I was listening to him. I wasn't trying to get any shit started with him either but everything Effrin was doing was starting to piss me off lately and he had only been home for four days. All of Effrin's workers piled into his office, all taking spots in the room so they could hear this plan Effrin and Jason had made up the other night.

Jason took a seat next to Effrin behind his desk. "Alright so y'all know why we called this meeting. Harlem and Candy will be back on Friday, which is in two days, so they can finish off what they started and get rid of my family. Now me and Jason already got rid of that Russel kid so all we need to do is take out Harlem and Candy. Y'all in?" Effrin asked. "'Cause if y'all are in, we need y'all to be there and not flake out like that bitch Candy did."

All of Effrin's workers looked around at each other, skeptical about agreeing to be all in for King and his family. "We need y'all. King has done so much for this business already for y'all not to be in," I spoke up. "If it wasn't for him, y'all wouldn't be getting any type of income. It's only right, especially since he's kept y'all living all of these years."

Effrin looked over at me, surprised that I took his side after all I've been doing to him today. His worker's eventually agreed and let Effrin continue on with his plan. "We need a distraction for Harlem when he gets back and I know the perfect person," Effrin turned to me. "Sincere's going to be the sexual distraction for Harlem and Marlon will be the sexual distraction for Candy. While the two of them are distracted we'll sneak into their house over on Washington and capture the two of them. I don't care who captures them but when you do, bring em back to me alive. We're gonna set up camp in their basement, where their control station is and we'll be off from there."

"When are we gonna start this?" A girl asked.

"On Friday night. Marlon and Sincere will be the first ones to go in while we hide outside of the house. Once we get the word from them we'll go inside and take them down to the basement. Y'all got it?" Effrin asked. "It should go as planned as long as everyone sticks to the plan."

Everybody nodded their heads in agreement before Effrin dismissed them to get back to their jobs. "I think this might actually work," Jason said, standing up.

Effrin nodded his head. "Me too. I'll just be glad when this shit is over. Them bitches been fucking up my shit for the longest."

"I know. I still can't believe crazy ass Candy turned on us."

"She was a fucking hoe using the crew just so she could get in, get a feel of things and then go back to tell Harlem about everything. She wasn't shit the day she stepped inside of here," Effrin replied.

"But she was fine though," Jason laughed.

Effrin chuckled and took another pull on his swisher. "Hell yeah but she was crazy."

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now