Chapter 15

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As soon as Marlon heard Sincere walk away from the door he started going in on me. "You ain't using protection nigga? You don't know what you could catch and you trying to get her pregnant or something? You know yo' moms is going to go crazy when she finds out you ain't wife her before you got her pregnant."

I shrugged my shoulders. "So fucking what? It ain't her life, it's mine and it's not like she's gonna care. She loves Sincere and will be glad it ain't one of these broads giving her, her grandchildren plus Sin ain't got no diseases."

He folded his arms. "How do you know? She was with that lying ass nigga Russel for like a year and she was with that Harlem nigga. You already know how dirty them niggas were. Before you ever go in raw again you better think twice. Shit, y'all need to go to the clinic downtown before y'all sleep together again. I don't want you to die man."

I smacked my lips. "I'm not gonna die, okay?" I asked him but that didn't seem to faze him.

"Nah, she's cool but you're gonna die fucking with her. You know Harlem and Russel got a rep for being some nasty, low down, dirty ass niggas. I just don't want to see my only cousin being six feet under 'cause he was too stupid to go to a clinic and get checked out. I'm not saying anything's wrong with her but she still was fucking with other niggas and probably don't know herself that she's spreading shit that could effect the baby you trying to have."

I shrugged my shoulders. "My nigga, she'd tell me if something was wrong with her and I been fucking her for like a month now. I'm sure something would be going on with me but it ain't so you need to stop worrying."

What was up with him being on this Sincere having a disease thing? I mean, I don't know for sure, but she's been letting me go in raw for a couple of weeks now and I'm sure I would have been effected by now.

He sighed and shook his head. "Man, whatever, but I don't give a damn how much you love her, she was still fucking some dirty ass niggas that could be walking around with a disease. I don't wanna see you die or get hurt when you could have just listened to me and gotten tested. It ain't that hard, you want your kid growing up parent-less 'cause they were too stupid to get tested?"

"I'm not trying to get her pregnant," I replied, not knowing what else to say to him.

"Like hell you ain't! You been going in raw my nigga, that's a sure sign you're trying to get the girl pregnant!"

"But I'm not."

He sighed. "Look, you can keep lying to me all you want but just 'cause you older than me don't mean I can't give you advice too. Just admit it, y'all trying to have a baby. Damn, it ain't that hard to admit. I know you love her."

I folded my arms. "Okay, and so what if I am trying to get her pregnant? What's that going to solve?"

"That you need to get tested before y'all try to bring a baby into this world. Y'all ain't safe but it ain't none of my business. If something happens, I have the satisfaction of telling you I told you so, a'ight?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Whatever," I mumbled as I heard Sincere knock on the door.

"I'll see you later B," Marlon said, opening up the door.

"Your five minutes is up," Sincere said, peering past him to me.

"And I'm about to leave. Remember what I said Effrin," Marlon walked out of the room just leaving Sincere and I.

She scrunched up her face and closed the door before climbing back into bed with me. "What's up with your cousin?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know," I mumbled, not really sure.

Marlon was hip to something I didn't know about, something he was hiding from me but I knew Sincere couldn't have some sort of disease. My Sincere? Have a disease? No fucking way possible. She and I both were clean as a whistle and I hated the fact that he was questioning that. She sighed and sat up on the side of me, kissing on my collar bone when the things Marlon were saying were just starting to soak in. I didn't doubt that she didn't have a disease, ever, until Marlon came along talking a bunch of shit. It wasn't anything I believed but when he said it, it got me thinking about shit.

I sighed and pushed Sincere off of me, feeling dirty.

"What?" she asked, sitting up. I

shook my head and stood up. "Nothing."

I grabbed my empty plate and walked out of my bedroom, upset that Marlon had to ruin our night with that shit but maybe he had a point. Maybe she should get tested, since we are trying to have a baby.


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