Chapter 49

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I looked back in my rear view mirror and watched as Sincere drove down the street to Mama's house to drop Victoria off before going to lunch with some nigga named Trey. I did a quick U-turn down the street and drove as fast as I could to catch up to Sincere. I wasn't done talking to her about where she was going. I needed to know where she was going or who ever this 'Trey' guy was.

I followed closely behind her the entire way to my Mama's house but I pulled up along the side of her when we stopped at a light. I rolled my window down and blew the horn trying to get her attention. "Sincere!" I yelled out of the window.

Her head snapped in my direction and I could see how upset she was when she rolled her window down. "What," she asked, starring ahead at the light.

"I was just coming to Mama's house with y'all," I replied, looking back at the light that had turned green.

I didn't plan on moving until I was finished talking to her but she quickly rolled her window up and sped off down the street as people began blowing their horns at me to move. I stuck my middle finger out of the window and pulled off, catching back up to Sincere. I turned a corner and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I'd steal glances back at the road as I scrolled through my contacts for Chris' number. He was a guy I got to do some of my dirty work for me. I wasn't the type of nigga to go following behind people but that was Chris' specialty. He was the perfect stalker for me since he never let himself be seen or left evidence behind to pin it back on himself, me or anybody else working for me.

"My nigga," he exclaimed into the phone.

I chuckled and turned down Mama's street. "What's up? I got some business for you to handle," I replied, pulling into Mama's drive way behind Sincere. I turned off my car and watched as she hopped out of the car and got Victoria out. "You busy," I asked him.

"Um nah. What's going on?"

"You remember Sincere Cole?"

"Your baby mama," he asked.

"Yeah, that's her. I need you to follow her today."

He laughed. "My nigga, I know you ain't stooped that low to following ya baby mama around."

I kissed my teeth and watched as Sincere took Victoria into my Mama's house. "You don't understand, just follow her around for me. We at my Mama's house but hurry up and get here. I'll try to stall her as long as possible."

"A'ight. I got you B. I'll be there in a minute. I'll be in a white Cadillac."

"A'ight, thanks," I said, hanging up the phone. I quickly hopped out of my car and made my way up the porch steps. "Mama I'm home!" I yelled, walking into the house.

"Is that you Effrin?"

I could hear her low voice coming from around the corner in the living room, where she was at probably babying Victoria. I put the fakest smile on my face and walked into the living room. As far as I knew, Mama doesn't know about all of the shit going on between Sincere and I. I'm sure she knows there's shit going on, just maybe not the degree of the shit going on and I planned on keeping it that way. I knew she'd be devastated if she found out Sincere and I were seeing other people, so keeping our personal business private was what we were gonna have to do, along side faking a relationship, that died off months ago, in front of her.

I wrapped my arms around Mama and hugged her as she kissed my cheek. "Hey baby boy. I haven't seen you in about a week. You and Sincere been busy making me more grand babies," she asked, looking between the two of us.

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now