Chapter 36

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I looked down at my freshly painted toes and smiled. Once Effrin left I decided on getting cute, just a little surprise for him when he got back. Effrin and I had been living together for what seemed like months, but was only about three weeks. But these three weeks have been hell staying here. It seemed like we only started arguing when we stayed together and were forced to see one another on a daily basis.

With living in separate homes, the two of us got a chance to die down our crazy attitudes but now we can't. Every time you turn a corner you see the other one. It's frustrating as hell living here with him, aside from the fighting. I'm constantly telling him to pick his shit up. I know I'm not the cleanest but he could at least take his dirty underwear off of the doorknob and put it down the clothes shoot.

I carefully climbed off of my bed and walked across the clean floor, trying not to screw up my polish. With Effrin being gone all day, I had a chance to clean up around here too, which was just what this house needed. I looked in the mirror at my hair and took out my rollers, letting my hair fall down on to my shoulders. I ran my fingers through it, making sure it was perfect before I heard a car door slam.

I looked out the window and saw that Effrin was back home. I quickly removed my robe and sprayed my body down with perfume and rubbed it down with lotion.

"Sincere!" Effrin yelled before closing the door.

I grabbed a lighter and lit the candles, that were dimly lighting up our bedroom. "I'm upstairs baby!" I took a seat down at the end of the bed just before he walked inside of the room.

"Damn. What's all of this for?" he asked, scratching the back of his head.

He slowly walked into the room, looking around at everything. "You really went all out."

"Of course I had to for my man," I replied, grabbing on to his shirt sleeve.

I sat him down on the edge of the bed and stood on my knees behind him. I wrapped my arms around his back, starting to kiss him. I slowly pecked his lips, along his jawline and then on his neck as I unbuttoned his shirt. With every kiss I planted on his neck it seemed like he continuously pulled further and further away from me but I just let it go, assuming it was just because he had a stressful day working with Antoine's crazy ass. I pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and kissed my way down his chest.

"You smell good," he said, slipping an arm around my body. I smiled and continued my work down his chest but he stopped me. "Nah I'm kind of tired right now," he said, pushing me away from him.

I sighed and stood up in front of him. "You don't want this?" I twirled around so he could see my body in the lingerie that I got as a surprise for him.

He sighed and shook his head. "Nah I don't, really."

I rolled my eyes. "How are you gonna deny me sex when I've never done that to you? I cook for you, I clean for you and I have sex when ever you want to but the minute I want to have sex with you, you can just say 'no, I'm tired.'?" I asked, confused.

He nodded his head. "Yeah because I'm the man in this relationship and I wear the pants. Whatever I say goes and I'm tired, now go to sleep."

"How could you deny me sex? I'm your girlfriend," I replied.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just not up for it tonight and I know if I still do it with you, you're gonna be pissed because I'm half assing my effort."

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