Chapter 6

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"Where you going?" Effrin asked, taking the bag of cocaine out of my hands.

I was on my way to lunch with Sincere when I passed by him in the streets and I couldn't deny him the drugs even though I saw how they were breaking him down. It wasn't a good sight to see. Harlem made me promise to never catch feelings for Effrin because he's all wrapped up in Sincere and it's honestly the truth but I've been fucking with Effrin too long not to catch any type of feelings. I know he and Sincere lied to me about their past a few nights ago at the party but I'm not going to expose them. I'm going to let me and Harlem's plan fall into place, then the truth will come out.

I wish once this plan will be done that I'll be finished with Effrin but I'm far from wrong. No matter how hard I'm going to try getting away from him, I'm not going to be able to. Unfortunately the condom broke or we didn't use protection, but now I'm three months pregnant with his child. I just found out this morning at my appointment but I'm not showing yet and I haven't told him but I don't even know if I should.

I haven't told anyone yet, as a matter of fact. I'm probably going to tell Sincere, just to shake her up and see how she reacts but I really needs some help. Me and Effrin both are strung out on drugs. Drugs and alcohol are constantly entering our system, so I'm concerned about the baby's health. I didn't know I've been carrying a baby all of this time. I just hope the baby is okay.

"Lunch with a friend," I replied as he stuffed the cocaine into the pocket of his shorts.

He folded his arms and smirked. "Who?"

"Sincere, she's really nice," I replied.

I mentally rolled my eyes though. She wasn't the worst person in the world but I knew she still had feelings for him, just like how he still has feelings for her. I'm not going to be the rebound, just so he can try to get over her. It's not going to work like that for me. If I'm not the main chick then I'll make myself the main chick. Maybe this baby will be the cause of me getting out of the shadows and being the only woman on Effrin's mind.

He rolled his eyes. "She cool. I ain't take her for your type to chill with though."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It doesn't really matter," I mumbled, trying to walk away from him but he pulled me back.

"It kind of does. She's a sneaky bitch, you shouldn't be hanging out with her."

"Well the two of you seemed so happy the other night at Jason's party. I thought she was so cool," I said, mocking him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "She's cool when she wanna be but she's a liar and a backstabber, just watch your back," he said, reaching his arms out to hug me. "But she ain't important, only we are." I couldn't help but smile as I walked into his embrace. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

By the time I made it to the restaurant, Sincere was already sitting outside, looking through a menu. I put a smile on my face, even though I really didn't want to talk to her. "Hey girl!" I said, hugging her tightly.

She slightly laughed and hugged me back. "Hey Candy, so what's up? Why'd we need to come to lunch?" she asked as I sat down in the seat across from her.

I took my sunglasses off of my face and sat them in front of me as a waiter came up to us. We both ordered ice teas and I watched as he walked away. "I kind of needed some advice."

"About what?" she asked.

"Um well I kind of have a problem with my relationship."

She rolled her eyes. "With Effrin?"

I nodded my head, yes, already starting to get annoyed. I hated how she lied to my face when I knew about their past. "Yeah I just came from a doctor's appointment and they said that I'm pregnant."

She froze up and finally looked up at me, forcing a smile on her face. "O-Oh that's good. Congrats," she mumbled, drifting away from the conversation.

The waiter came back and set our drinks on the table then left again. I took a sip of my tea. "Thanks but I don't know if I should tell him."

"Why wouldn't you?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm afraid of what his reaction will be," I replied, truthfully. I wasn't supposed to be anything but a fuck buddy and now I'm pregnant. Things weren't supposed to be this way.

"Well how long have the two of you been together?" she asked.

"About six months."

"Do you love him?"

I looked down at my fingers and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know! I mean, I'm not supposed to be falling in love with him. We're not even officially together, all the two of us do is have sex and party. Nothing more, I can't be catching feelings like this," I replied.

"Shit, it's normal to catch feelings but you need to tell him about the baby. I'm sure he'll be more than excited to have his first child."

I sighed and nodded my head. "Yeah you're right."

"Could I ask you something?" she asked after a long pause.


"I'm not trying to get into his business or anything but you do know that he's been kind of acting funny lately? Like, have you noticed his behavior lately?"

"Um what do you mean?" I asked, knowing exactly what she meant. It was the crack and LSD, mixed with all of the alcohol that's been turning Effrin into some type of lunatic.

She sighed and looked down at her tea, swirling the straw around in it. "Uh nothing, forget I even said anything."

"Do you still have feelings for him?" I asked, stating the obvious.

She quickly looked up. "Huh?"

"Effrin told me the other night about how the two of you guys were together for a long time but I was just wondering if you still had any feelings for him."

She slightly smiled. "Oh, no. I have a bo--"

"Boyfriend. I know but you can still have feelings for somebody else even if you are in a relationship."

"Oh well then no I don't have any feelings for Effrin."

I smiled. "You know you don't have to lie to me, I'm your friend. I can keep a secret, that is if you have one," I replied.

She shook her head. "Nah Effrin and I have been broken up for over a year, no. I don't have feelings for him anymore. He's not even my type."

"Not your type but you were with him for like two years?" I slightly laughed.

"He's changed since the two of us were together."

"How?" I asked.

She shrugged his shoulders.

"He well, um never mind," she mumbled.

"No tell me." She looked up and slightly smiled.

"No it's not important, don't worry about it."

I nodded my head, pushing that to the back of my mind. Obviously she was hiding something that I was soon to find out about. She sighed and stood up, drinking the rest of her tea. "You're leaving?" I asked her.

She grabbed her purse and pulled it up on her shoulder. "Yeah I need to run some errands. Congrats on the baby," she unenthusiastically mumbled, walking away from me.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks bitch," I mumbled so she couldn't hear me.

It twas going to be hell for her when the baby came and I planned on making her suffer. As much as she hates admitting it, I know she has feelings for Effrin and I hope this baby will help to push her out of Effrin's mind, so that I'll be the only woman he's thinking about.


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