Chapter 50

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"I'm so sorry I'm late. Something else came up," I said, referring to Effrin not letting me leave his Mama's house. I don't know what was wrong with him but he was really starting to get too jealous for his own good.

Trey looked up from his phone. "Oh, you're good. I've only been here a few minutes myself."

I nodded my head and took a seat across from him at the table. We were sitting outside of this restaurant Dawn told me about. She said she and Jason would come here often and that it was a good place, so I'm taking her word on it. I hope it's as good as she claims it to be. "So, how long will you be here until you go back to Ohio," I asked after the waiter came by and took our orders.

"Um a couple of weeks. I'm going back around mid-January for a couple of weeks so I'm all yours until then."

I smiled. "Good. I've got so much to show you while you're here."

"Like what," he asked.

"There's this beach a friend of mine took me to a few years ago. The water is so pretty and there's so much to do. I haven't been there in a few years but I just hope it's the same as it was a few years back."

"Well, you gotta come back to Ohio so I can show you what we got there. One of the major differences about there and here is the weather."

"I figured it would be," I replied as the waiter came back with our food. While we ate it was fairly quiet aside from the cars driving by, honking their horns when they saw Trey just sitting outside in Compton, but other than that it was quiet.

"I gotta give it to your friend. The food is pretty good," Trey said, finishing the last bit of his burger.

I smiled. "Yeah it is." The food was better than I thought it would be actually.

"So, Christmas dinner, it's still at your place, right," he asked. I

nodded my head. "Yeah, seven o'clock so don't be late or you can't open up your present."

He smiled. "You got me something?"

"Yeah, it's the season of giving and I thought I might as well give something to you," I replied.

"I didn't get you nothing," he said.

I frowned and sighed. I knew I was in over my head trying to get him something. "Um it's fine Trey."

He looked up at me and smiled. "I'm playing. I got you something too."

I smiled. "Oh, what is it?"

"I'm not telling you! It's supposed to be a surprise, I'm sure you can wait three days."

"I really can't. Could I get a hint," I asked him.

He looked away from me and tapped his fingers against the table, thinking. "Um it's for you."

I laughed. "I need a better hint than that!"

He laughed. "Alright, it has something to do with me. Is that better?"

"No, but I'll accept it for now," I replied, smiling.

"Good. I know you're gonna like it though. Am I gonna like mine?"

"I hope you like it but if you don't, oh well," I fake shrugged. "I'll just throw it away."

He laughed. "You dirty if you do that," he replied.


I sighed and bent down, picking up the rest of Victoria's toys that were laid out across the living room from the night before when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of the pocket of the shorts I had on and looked at who was calling. Charmaine. He was probably just wondering about what happened at lunch with Trey. I pressed answer. "Hey hoe," I answered the phone.

Nobody's Business (Urban) Book 2 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now