"Where is he?!" I spin around to him. 

"I....I don't know" He said frantically completely lost more then me. 

"Shit" I curse running my hand over my face.

Did Lincoln come here and get the body? Is he trying to make Jessy come to him and lead her into a trap? I'm not going to let him destroy her anymore, I won't let it happen again. If I didn't take away her pain who knows what she is capable of when she's thinking like that. 

What would you do to those who hurt the one you love?  

I think everyone is capable of killing but the difference is Jessy wouldn't just kill Lincoln she would make sure he suffered. She will make sure he will choke in his blood. She will make sure he will burn the same way her parents did. 

I was about to speak up when a door swung open my eyes snapped to a face I thought I wouldn't see here. He paled as he caught the sight of me, I can hear his heart picking up its speed. I can feel his breath uneven and I can almost see the sweat that came from his forehead. 

"Leave us" I ordered the Doctor beside me not taking my eyes off him. 

His big hazel eyes stares at me anxiously waiting for me to say something. His caramel blonde hair is neatly swiped back styled. 

"Dr Martin," I chuckled. "What a pleasant coincidence to find you here where I am searching for a dead body." I lean against the cold metal steel. "You seem to know where misplace bodies tend to go." 

"I do work here" He swallowed loudly. 

I don't know why he looks like he is going to pass out every time I see him. My sweet father was the one who scared him not me. 

"That is right. You do work here" My eyes harden staring at him intensely. "Tell me where is James Volkov?" 

"I don't know" He stutter slight his voice shaking and his feet moving slightly from side to side. 

"You know something Doc," I sighed deeply. "Tell me now because I'm losing my patience and I do get my bad temper from my father." I gave him an innocent smile. 

 He sucked in a deep breath and with a shaky voice he told me everything. He told me how James had brain tumor stage 4. He told me how he came to him desperately wanting it to go away. He told me how he didn't want to get turn into a vampire so instead of giving him a full dosed of vampire blood. He gives him a few drops every month to get rid of the disease. He told me how it worked how much he got better within a few days but it would always come back. 

"So all this time he's been using vampire blood to keep his precious life in his grasp as long as he can?" I clenched my jaw. 

I could almost laugh at how much of a hypocrite he is by using something he calls a 'monster' a disgrace to the world to help him live. The irony in this is too much to bare that all you could do is laugh. 

"Yes..I tried to-

"You tried to what Doc?" I press losing all my patience now. "People like you call us playing God, that we should do no such thing to turn anyone we want to live forever." I chuckled bitterly. "What happens if people like you get a hold of a blood that could cure anything, make a person stronger, that can make you live forever? You use it as much as you can to cure every human who needs it and then you call yourself savior, a hero." I chuckled. 

I move towards him noticing his heart picking up his speed at every step I take. 

"You are no hero Doc" I shook my head. "You have no idea what you've done to your precious little world" 

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