The Decision

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"Kurt, are you even listening to yourself? Listening to me?! For the millionth time, you are NOT holding me back from anything! You are NOT depriving me of anything! I chose to be a part of this life with you!" Blaine said or felt like he repeated. Of course when Tim came to talk to Jack, he had passed Kurt in the kitchen and Kurt passed Blaine with a fake smile and something about going to see Lucas. When Blaine would corner Kurt and try to ask him what was wrong, Kurt would avoid him or change the subject. Now that they had the house to themselves just for a bit, there was nowhere for Kurt to go. The two were currently arguing in the bedroom. "I can't help it Blaine! I mean it's Prom! People like us dream of going to things like that and shoving it in people's faces but instead we're hiding. Don't you want to go?" Kurt retorted back, pacing. Blaine shook his head. "No!! Like I said about our honeymoon and like everything else, I am not going to abandon you just to go off on an adventure alone. You were pregnant, you were scared and that would've made me feel like an ass! If this is about our marriage, I don't regret that either! I love you and I would've married you regardless of our age because that's who we are! No one could ruin nor tear that up but yet you're still worrying about it and I get that but don't for a second think that you are holding me back from anything."

Rachel and Finn had walked in the ranch house and were about to call out when they heard the yelling. "Blaine-" "You're not holding me back from anything! I love you, I love being married to you, I love being with you everyday, Kurt! I love Lucas, I loved Katie, I love that we can have children naturally and that they come out like perfect angels. I love being a father and no, I don't care that we had him early like we did! I love hearing his squeals and his giggles and his tiny words, don't you?!" Blaine felt tears spark his eyes while Kurt's tears were falling as he hugged himself. The couple just stared at each other as they thought about it. About everything. Kurt lowered his head, sobs escaping his lips as he held himself. Blaine came over and held his arms, making Kurt look at him. Blaine had his own tears falling. "I'm just scared. I'm so scared." Kurt admitted as he sobbed out. Blaine wiped his tears with his thumbs and Kurt took a stuttering breath. "Listen to me. I am in way too deep to leave you like this. To just abandon you for some stupid dream my uncle holds up. I don't want a girl, I want my husband. I don't want a life where our son doesn't exist, I want him to exist and continue to make us happy. I don't want to go to prom if it's going to make my amazingly strong husband sick with grief and fear. Even if all of our friends want us to come and spend the night with them, I'll stand by your side and tell them along with you that we can't. That stepping in that gym is just too much and dancing on that floor is just too much. Whatever you decide, I'll follow. Okay?" Blaine said in a soft tone as Kurt sobbed. "Okay?" Blaine asked again softer and gentler. Kurt looked at him and nodded before falling into Blaine's arms for a hug. Finn and Rachel had their ears to the door, tears in their eyes.

After Thanksgiving Break
Mr. Schue wrote the word PROM on the board, making everyone cheer. Kurt and Blaine's faces stayed stoic and straight but they did smile for their friends. "I can't wait for this year's prom! It's going to be spectacular!" Tina said, smiling at the thought. "And what's better is in order for us to pave our way to Nationals, we got asked to perform at Prom! So I want prom numbers, be it solos, duets, trios." Blaine looked at Kurt and Kurt looked at Blaine as they held hands. Kurt knew that look, had seen that look all morning. "You okay?" He whispered. "I'm nervous." Kurt whispered back. "Remember, I'm behind you 100%." Blaine said and Kurt smiled, packing his cheek. They tuned in to Mr. Schue and Kurt raised his hand. "Yes, Kurt. Do you have a song you wish to share?" Kurt swallowed a lump in his throat before nodding. He figured that if he couldn't say it without wanting to vomit or cry, he'd sing it. It's worked so far. He stood and let Blaine's hand fall from his as he walked to the front of the room. Boom boom boom The sound of his boots hitting the floor echoed in his mind as he faced his friends.

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