Ch.31 Street rat

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Now alone in the cave, Elena sat down against the wall as she looked at her hand that was still shaking as she thought about her vision. Now that she knew what happened to Aladdin, she knew that her fate will soon arrive just like him.

"Elena" Brooke suddenly appeared as Elena used her other hand to stop her shaking hand.

"Brooke" she said with a little gasp while avoiding eye contact "I said I wanted to be alone."

"I know but-" Brooke said with a worried look as she went up to her "I'm so sorry."


"This is all my fault."

"What are you saying?"

"If I never knocked on your door-" Brooke said as her eyes started to water "If I never dragged you to Storybrooke in the first place, none of this would be happening. I forced you to become the Savior."

Elena gave a sad look as she reached out and took Brooke's hand.

"You didn't force me to become anything" she said "You helped me believe."

"Believing wont stop the future" Brooke sniffed.

"Maybe not" Elena said as her eyes started to water too "But it gave me back my friends, it gave me a family. If I could go back I wouldn't change a thing."

Brooke then felt a tear drip down her cheek.

"But it's not fair" she sniffed.

"Brooke" Elena sniffed as they stood up "Let's not worry about the end of the story, let's just enjoy the middle, the journey together."

And with that they went into a hug as they both let their tears fall onto each others shoulders. But as they were doing so, they suddenly heard a noise as Brooke looked up to see a figure coming towards them from the darkness.

"Someone's here" she pulled away just as Elena quickly turned and held her hands out towards the figure.

"Stand back" she told Brooke as he hand started to shake "I got this."

Just then a man appeared from the darkness and stood in front of them.

"You sure you know how to work that?" he asked Elena who's hand was still shaking.

"Aladdin?" she gasped as she put her hands down.

"From one side to another" he said "That is not fun is it?"

"I don't understand" Brooke said surprised "How the hell are you alive? We thought you were dead."

"Well if you must know-" he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the Shears of Destiny "I used these."

"What are those?" Elena asked.

"Shears of Destiny, it can separate someone from their fate."

"You used those?" she asked with a surprised look.

"Yeah, I did. In Agrabah I failed."

He then gave a sad sigh as he continued.

"So I fled to the Enchanted Forest-" he said "Got swept in in the curse."

"So you've been in Storybrooke this whole time?" Brooke said surprised.

"Lucky for me, the police and you guys were too bust saving the world that you never noticed a common thief."

"So you planted the scarab so we couldn't find you" Elena concluded.

"I never attended to reveal myself" he sighed "But after hearing you and your friend, I couldn't keep these to myself."

And with that he handed Elena the shears as she took them. Elena looked at the only weapon that can now separate her from her fate.

"But Jasmine" Brooke suddenly said to him "She's looking for you, you need to go to her."

At that point Aladdin gave a small sigh as he put his hands in his pockets.

"She was the first person to believe that I could be more than a selfish street rat."

"I was a street rat too" Elena put in "Well, not literally but, I've made plenty of mistakes, but I've found people who kept me strong, who cared about me like how Jasmine clearly cares about you."

"But duty always comes in the way."

"But it's never too late to start over" Brooke put in with a small smile.


Still locked inside the ship, Jackson searched throughout the boat for something that can help him escape. But just when he thought he was out of luck, he suddenly found a piece of thing wire on the floor, and using his smarts, he reshaped it as he began to use it to pick the lock. After some twists and turns, he suddenly heard a click as he found that the door was now unlock. And after making sure that Hyde wasn't around, he opened the door and ran out as he climbed onto the docks.

"I knew with a brain like yours you would of found your way out" he suddenly heard Hyde say behind him before he could run off "And just so you know, there's no where to run."

Jackson then turned around and was shocked to see that Mr. Hyde now had the baton Jekyll created.

"Where did you get that?" Jackson asked with his eyes widen as he pointed to the baton.

"Oh this?" Hyde held up the baton "I had a little run in with your father today, I saw he had the baton so I thought, why not?"

He then aimed the baton at Jackson who's heart was pounding with fear.

"And now-" he added "I finally have a chance to use it."

"Please" Jackson begged as he held his hands out "You don't have to do this, if you kill me that means you'll kill your son."

At that point it caught Hyde's attention.

"Yeah that's right" Jackson said "Holt's here, and I used to serum to separate ourselves, and if you kill me, you'll kill him too, because even though we're separated, we're still the same person, just like you and my father."

At that point Hyde gave a small chuckle.

"Did you think that Holt and I ever got along?" he asked "Of course not, we've never did. And this isn't about him right now, this is about you."

But right before he could shoot the baton, Hyde suddenly felt himself being sucked into something. Jackson watched as Hyde dropped the baton as he got sucked into a box that was held by Holt. And after being fully sucked in, Hyde was now trapped inside Pandora's Box.

"Sorry Pops" Holt said "But I couldn't let you hurt my friend."

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