From the Gloom

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From the Gloom

By Dillon Collins

A thousand midnights in Cyprus swamps.

A million sights and smells and sounds.

In my head these twisted thoughts,

have become all that resound.

Mainly in my head these days,

not much in my life.

Constantly surrounded by thoughts of former mistakes

is bound to fill anyone with strife.

A breakfast of narcotics, lunch and dinner,

three course meals...

Decreasing my self-reliance,

while slowly my soul they steal.

A darkened room, a deep mind debate. Life is cheap,

eternity secure, and rich will be their plate.

Moment by moment, day by day, week by week,

Christ paved a way.

I wasn't called to obscurity.

I was called to preach Christ's purity.

Lord Jesus Christ, You have made me whole.

You brought me from where my mind was a skull.

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